I see you haven’t been to Lansing or Detroit lately…
Would this statement be considered racist or is it ok because it has Republican thrown in?
flagged you racist!
Racism is by oxfords definition:
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior
I’m super Caucasian. I have been in the southern states a few times so in no way shape or do I feel those folks are superior.
And I’m every time I see some asshole without their mask on they fit the demographic of the typical NASCAR fan so draw your own conclusions.
Stereotype much. Lol!
I’d imagine there are all types that don’t wanna wear a mask. You see the Norte dame game the other day. None of them kids had masks on. I’m sure theyre all nascar fans.
All the people in the streets celebrating the news announcing Biden won the presidency with no mask on? Definitely nascar fans
What a fucking moron!
I dont wear a mask, unless i go to a store or a business, or in public I cant go in with out one. Im not gonna wear one alone in my car or walking my dog.
I went into a store without a mask accidentally and turned around right away and the automatic doors ouldnt open- the people on the other side were scared of a maskless man and wouldnt step close enough to open it for me. And its been all masks here since february except at some bars. and we have higher covid rates than states who ignored masks.
I don’t wanna wear a mask either. But the last 2 times at benehanas I didn’t sit at the hibachi tables because it was a full table.
While I don’t wanna wear a mask. I don’t wanna take unnecessary risk when I don’t have to.
Im a poker pro. I missed out the last few months when it reopened, now its closed indefinitely. its always filthy with trading chips and cards and sick degenerates who dont stay home whn sick. That makes me sick often but its like a 1 sniffle cold thing from me getting sick from people with weak immune systems
The gubment told us masks prevent us from spreading our covid. They don’t protect you from catching someone else’s covid
I know what manufacturer makes these or atleast the body
The full units are decently priced
I am an ahole but my mask has the valve where it only filters incoming air. and its six months old and probably bad for my health, it smells like weed and beer too.
when I went to college they taught me a different version of racism. it involves a group or individual in power doing something against another due to their race. We are allowed to think bad things, just not act out and do things like fire people or not hire etc. What if an eskimo took my walrus and I hate eskimos now? That makes me racist? Now if I decide not to hire a qualified eslkimo thats racist.
Dumb white middle class democrats piss me off too. Typical Karen demographic
All these people debating masks like they can’t google the Spanish flu.
People over 100 years ago thought you were an idiot if you didn’t wear a mask because it was the only way to stop it from spreading and eventually infecting everyone before there was a vaccine.
How did we get dumber as a culture in that time? Go ask one medical professional if it’s a good idea to go in public without a mask right now, stop getting your medical advice from politicians and Joe Rogan.
There’s a vaccine for the Spanish Flu?
If masks stop covid from spreading, why are blue states with super high mask compliance seeing record high covid transmission numbers?
just cause it’s a blue state doesnt mean lot of people aren’t in that state not wearing masks.
There are tons of youth not wearing masks in every state. Politics shouldn’t matter if a state wears masks.
But completely do. Mask compliance is notably higher in blue states vs red states.
Mask mandate in Washington started June 8th, our daily case numbers have exploded since then. I guess maybe they’d be much higher without masks? High mask wearing could explain the complete drop off in the spread of the flu as well, but again that’s confusing. Why did flu deaths fall off to record lows but covid hasn’t slowed down
im a real skeptic.
I dont get data and maps from facebook or unknown publications. For me to give any of it any validity, im gonna need to run some hardcore correlation analysis on the data. They have hypothesis testing for these exact problems and then they chart the correlation. The rest is just speculation.
I believe some of the flu is covid and vise verse. were all humans. None are perfect. i think a vacine or cure is the only way this goes away. believe it or not. People are dying from it. It is spreading somehow and the really smart people havent figured out how to stop it. Thats my view on it.
Why hasn’t the Flu vaccine cured us of the flu?