Mitragynine extraction

Does anyone have some processes to extract mitragynine from kratom to reach 50%, about 70% and >90% mitragynine content?
Please post or email me at

Acid/base extraction and crystalization. The magnifying glass is the search function and is at the top of every page.

Here’s a bonus :spoon: for you- expose your crude extract to UV for 7-Hydroxymitragynine


Thank you
Not sure what all the cryptic writing is all about.
I am a straightforward, plain type of person.
Add x kg of this to y kg of that and so on until the final material is made.

People spend a lot of time studying and make their careers out of developing these processes.

If you want a step by step x to this and y to that type guide you’re going to have to spend atleast a grand if not more- kratom
Isolate SOPs trade for quite a bit considering the market value of the technology


?? I see nothing cryptic here. Quite straightforward with the delivery of the info presented. Not in depth or encyclopedic in nature, but informative nonetheless.

Perhaps the best advice from the “cryptic” post is the search bar hint, directly after the suggestion of an a/b extraction and crystallization. There are quite a few threads floating around here regarding kratom. I’d read them all, maybe send some dm’s to those who appear knowledgeable on the subject, and circle back here to update with what you’ve learned and what knowledge you still seek. Best of luck in your research!

6 Likes Best SOP on the internet


I just typed in “kratom extraction” into the search bar and twenty good threads came up. The information is definitely here. If you have more money than time, I have a couple of consultants who can assist you with developed SOPs. You can also read the established threads and DM the posters who sings like they know what they’re doing.

You’ve come to the right place. The information is here and people know how to do it and will help you. Do your homework and engage with questions as you develop your method.


Honestly Megadeth’s weakest album - So Far So Good So What? is my personal favorite out of their catalog


Here’s a straight forward answer for you then, either offer to pay someone or quit being a lazy ass and do your own research.

As everyone else said, the info is here, use it or pay up, Jesus.

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Story of my life, man.


I got a tek to get a nice eggshell color powder that gets pretty potent with just a few mg.


Salting mytraginine is what you should look for it s a base so an acid needs to be added while in a solvent that it does not dissolve in
Pka is 8.7 that should be enough to lead you to the acids accitic compounds needed


@botanex we bout it bout it.
images (5)

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Just for clarification on what you recommend- Acidic would be part of acid/base extraction? Acetic would use vinegar as an acid?

Once crude is extracted with a non polar solvent
Reagent(acid) can be added forming a salt with mitrigine Wich will fall as a precipitate to the botom and is filtered out this orange colored powder is
Near pure
A stronger base is added and the reagent will release the mitraginine and grab on to that stronger base
That gets washed out with water LLE
The near pure mitrigine is now in your fresh added non polarsolvent


Thank you
What does LLE stand for?

Liquid - Liquid Extraction

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Bro, if you’re looking for a handholding just message @Etohthekid and see how much hes gonna charge you.

If you’re having to ask what an lle is your above you’re head.


More of the cryptic writing?

You should probably exercise your “buy a clue” option.

Solving this yourself is not going to happen without considerably more effort…

This may help get you started: The Glossary / Ideas and chat


Just a heads up folks

I have called around and the SOPs for the product he is chasing are worth anywhere from 50-100k depending on purity.

You might even be able to send your SOP to companies who are producing these products and be paid to NOT share it, thats how competitive these folks are.

Anyway, don’t give your work away for free, or even cheap.