Microns used to catch media?

Ummm which is exactly what I want the papers to do. That’s my point. The powders are sitting on my paper filters. So they dont have a chance of clogging my sintered filter in any way. I dont use celite (never have, never will, who still uses it anyway at this point lmao). We rinse the fines with every filter stack/CRC we build. Like I’ve said before, if you aren’t baking your powders and rinsing fines before processing then you’re doing it wrong. There are tons of way to skin a cat. You have yours, I have mine, someone else will have theirs… as long as the end product is clean, what’s the arguement?


Lmfao :ok_hand:. A shit ton of people use celite. More then that dont for sure
Ya if you dont use celite then obviously you want papers. Your comment made it seem like you thought that was the only was to insure clean oil is with papers.

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More use it than dont? Hmmmm ok if you say so… cuz nobody I know running a high production facility or machines uses celite. Not saying it’s bad or good. Just dont know many, if any using it. That’s all. Again, to each their own. I’m a quality guy, so as long as the process works and produces clean end product I could care less how you get there. We choose to stage our filtration with papers AND sintered discs. It is what works for us.


I stage also, dont like celite or de. I never rinse and bake half the time. All my stuff tests in upper 80s. And i can achieve what ever color i desire. But i do stage my filter much lower than most


@GroovyOctopusLabs the terpenes that you lose to crc are not totally lost, you can soak and rinse a used crc column with hot pressurized butane to recover any terpenes in there.

For you to get usable Terps back from the crude shit you pull from your column, you need to re run it through a smaller column with fresh medias to remove the pigments once again. One thing I have been meaning to try but have yet to get around to is attempting a terpene strip on a used crc column using gaseous butane in the same manner that @Apothecary36 does to pull terps from biomass.


You gotta keep the column hot enough to reject a liquid phase and the solvent below the column has to be even hotter


Oka so from what I gather from all the replies is two things one it might be useful in the effort of getting rid of chlorophyll from a long bho soak but I will still need to use a dewaxing method to remove the fats and waxes.

Yes you still need to dewax if you want decent flow thru your column and want to more effectively remove the red pigments from the extract.

Provided you run an injection coil and are maintaining low enough temperatures, a couple inches of stainless steel scrubby pads packed directly on top of your crc column is sufficient to filter the precipitated waxes and keep them off of your powder stack.


So I would add a few scrubbies on top of my filter inside my dewaxer on top of the filter prior to the crc? -Autistic-


You can also add celite in your filter plate if you have papers to put under (instead of scrubbies)
Scope waxplug1 ig for a pic of his “fats catcher”. Its more effective then scrubbies


No on top of the powder stack not below it. The size of the flocs of waxes precipitated from the solution are pretty large so you dont need celite to effectively remove them. Lower temperatures cause larger flocs to form.

It’s a better use of celite to use it as the first powder in your stack so it can prevent the rest of the powders from slipping through your crc column.

Stainless steel scrubby pads dont replace celite but they are a good tool.

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So just thumbing throug but the silica 60 in your filter cake will offer a partial dewax. I’ve run warm and cold… but like my solution warm when passing over my media.

Dudadiesel or cary company. Ptfe felt filters. Get the 1 mic. Cut to size of plate. Place retention ring. Load celite 545. Its rated to particle sizes above 5 mic… if you get powders through its cause they’re passing the celite cake. Also make a depth filter with the felt and you dont need much more. I run a specialized sub one micron filter from whatman as a final filter, but it’s just in case. Filter depth is more important than micron size. At this point in the CRC game theres no excuse for powders passing. If you can’t afford to do it right, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. Get the gear do it right, do it safe. Just my 2 pennies.


Just out of curiosity what if you crc before you dewax? Like if I send my stuff thru a 3×24 column then thru crc then thru a 6×12 dewaxing column?

You might crash out more good stuff in dewax if you crc first @GroovyOctopusLabs


I press my celite into a filter and never have anything slip by… have you had this happen before?

I prefer running this way. The lipids seem to fall out of the solution easier/cleaner post filtration.

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How does one go about washing fines? Via the prewash, or is this a process performed prior to filling crc stack