Does anyone have a strong knowledge of METRC (Colorado) as it relates to extraction?
Unfortunately Metrc does not relate to extraction.
The trouble you are having figuring it out, is because Franwell have zero concept what we do. They’ve had six or seven years to figure it out, and just don’t care.
AND most folks I know hire someone full time to deal with shoehorning their processing into metrc appropriately.
Are you looking for short term consulting or a long term hire?
Short term consulting.
What specifically are you trying to do? I’m sure many of us have probably encountered the exact situation you’re in.
For real, there isn’t even a waste input, I guess they calculate that off the yield/input?
Or they just don’t care like you said
there is a “waste” package adjustment excuse.
if you’re not using it, you’re probably not documenting your process appropriately.
I adjust every package for “waste: transfer losses from pyrex to jar. including tools”. occasionally shit goes sideways and there are greater losses. that gets a more detailed “excuse”.
We also document the weight of the biomass we chuck (waste: post-extraction biomass), then the solvent loss from leaving booth to leaving oven.
as MOISTURE: “solvent loss in oven” (yep that’s what they told us to do!). or “solvent/terpene loss during purge”.
biomass going into the machine gets a tag (new package).
extract going in to the oven is a “new package” (production batch; so we can “in house qc”), then it is “adjusted” as it moves along.
If we spin; that’s two new tags. if we combine batches (seldom don’t), that’s a new tag, and a new production batch, usually between oven and safe (more “samples”. got to get this shit dialed right? how?!?).
when spun, there are “waste” adjustments for “transfer loss ; pyrex, tools, basket” (THCA) and “transfer loss, pyrex, tools, centrifuge bottle”…and there was the occasional “shatter” which was documented either as “waste: broken jar, product contaminated with glass”, or repackaged with “contains GLASS” in product name (headed to distillate)…before “transfer loss, pyrex, tools, jar” became obsolete.
I don’t see where that exists though, I’m probably doing it wrong, but what you are saying is you adjust once the package is different than metrc says,(you lost x amount to a pyrex)
Do you make a specific package for your waste?
Here is the list of adjustments I’m given
yep. see where it says “WASTE”…
no. you don’t make a package for your waste. you chuck it the fuck out. or can’t damn well get to it in the first place.
if you want to SAVE it, it needs a new package (tag).
edit: was that sufficient consult? you want to pay me to learn CO. or maybe @Akoyeh?
Thanks man, my last inspector was worthless on this subject, he literally told me to record it being mixed with soil and that’s all they wanted.
So don’t take my advice on metrc, turns out I have been doing it wrong, very wrong. .
well. you do need to do that. as in adulterate it, on camera (for 3 days in OR).
you ALSO need to adjust the package that shit came from to reflect that you did so.
I’m with you now, I guess I was just blatantly ignorant, and slightly miss guided, ill be sure to fix it asap.
Thanks again, lastly you adjust that package before you finish it correct?
I’m in Montana, but metrc is pretty much the same in most states, we have been adhering towards colorado/Oregon with many similar things in metrc.
Then double check with @Akoyeh to make sure it was done right. Haha.
To all with metrc questions looking for consulting, I am available evenings and weekends (as I’m usually doing metrc and extracting at my regular job during business hours) and have provided consultation for a few companies to bring them into compliance.
got to be empty, or have a decent excuse for why it aint (then adjust so it IS so) before it’s “finished”.
nah, Franwell is blatantly and willfully ignorant. telling their CEO I consider a “cannabis tracking system” that doesn’t have a “location” field “interstate fraud” means they won’t talk to me anymore.
but they do now have a location field.
I don’t get paid enough to hire a consultant, if they want me trained to do this right, they can hire one. Otherwise I’ll eventually learn the hard way… fortunately we are new (montana) in this recreational market and they allow for ignorance, shoot like I said a few posts back, I’m literally doing what the inspector told me to do, but ultimately that falls into the ignorance category… so here I am trying to learn more without compensation…
nah, if it’s something new I’ll absolutely hash it out with the team, and possibly delegate contact with OLCC or METRC, but you are our rockstar here, and saying “I adjust every package” hasn’t been even close to true since you came onboard.
Only time I adjust packages these days is when you’re out…
You literally gave me all I need to go start doing it right, I have a decent group of individuals who share metrc info back and forth and we all missed it, but now I see and I feel ignorant.
well, that WAS pretty much ALL the operations besides getting stuff in and out (learn to manifest your drugs padawan…)
…and learn from your states sources. take the online training they offer. at some point the AHJ will switch from being forgiving to being absolute pricks. your boss needs to pay to get you learnt before then. or will pay more dearly.
Honestly I don’t think they need to pay to learn me, I’ve learnt myself this far, missing one simple point and fixing it before it’s a problem is why I’m “here”.
I think information is always free, so like you said I should consider the states available resources, better myself without asking the company to pay for it, which makes them more like they own me mentality … meanwhile I’m learning more and becoming valuable as an asset, without them paying for it they can never say I got it in anyway from “them”.
I’ll keep learning the hard free way.
they should absolutely. pay you while you are watching the training videos they should have ( presumably have) taken as owners. they are scheduled during 9-5, and you should do as many as they (Metrc) will allow you (basic, processor, advanced processor iirc). you take these trainings under the license your working for. so it’s absolutely the bosses responsibility to get you trained.
chances are you’ll have to teach the folks you’re interacting with to send/receive product in order to get it done right.
becoming part of your local Metrc user group may not yet be a possibility, but certainly is here in OR. one of the specialists that worked for me probably managed to get the “location” field pushed through via that avenue. I know I got it on the list of “user issues” via that forum. you also get to interact with other specialists…
no seriously. have you noticed how many times I’ve typed “specialist”? your company needs one. it is worth a raise if your good at it. it’s their license on the line…
Thank you @cyclopath for a ton of great explanations. I bookmarked it!