Medical Marijuana Friendly Landlord in Michigan

I bet if you can show proof of income they sell you a damn nice anything lol with such a low fucking down. What’s 10% down on a 40k lol c’mon dude. You can do this. Be your own boss if you go to Michigan is all I’m saying. That cost of living to own a home that will survive a winter?


Did you post looking for a landlord or did you ask the landlord over email/phone?

I just wrote each landlord a book. Lol

Aka long emails explains my situation. Then I would meet with them and buy them dinner…

Worked both times I tried it.

One place was a former boat shop with a mobile home on site lol

The other was a Russian guy who didn’t give 2 fucks what I did as long as he got paid.

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Thanks for the encouragement but I need to balance my risk across the stock market, plants, and a few other things! hahaah!

Versus owning something to live in? Bro. Balance that risk. Lol I’ve looked. Please do your looking. Landlords suck.


If you have verifiable income and a somewhat decent credit score you can get a place for first and last months rent. Don’t say anything about weed when you talk to them and you’ll have no problem. Worst thing that can happen is they find out and then you have 3-6 months to find a new place if they want to evict.

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I’ll try your approach. Seems reasonable.

I am a responsible person. I completely understand their concern when renting to someone who upfront asks to grow a few plants. They just need to see I’m responsible.

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You’re looking for a needle bro but came to one of the best places to look. I’ll give you that.

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What you are asking is so much less than what I was asking. I bet you could eventually find something.

But I’m with moveweight. Landlords suck.

And tbh, if you have good credit a job etc. take all that money and put it down on a house…

And go from there with total freedom…


Greatest hole I’ve ever fallen into

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I too have found it to take more of my reading time than anything. Wish you luck on finding a good opportunity. Don’t give up on the option I brought up! There’s low many down options there that are insanely cheap. Got me wanting to buy a slice now.


Sounds like u got a tenant already


Shit right what you trying to pay fam


What company do you work for/with?

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Myself / Many
You can click the profiles you know
Or just see my username :v:

If I rent from you is there a set of weights included in the rental?


:joy: how much you trying to pay for that at home gym upgrade


When I was 16 I bought my first house in detroit for 5k. When I found another in even better condition I bought that one for another 5k. When I learned I didnt want to sleep with my lights on and worry about my new born kid growing up in the wrong environment I ignored price and found something safe. There is only 2 reasons you live in detroit. You either have to or you want to do some shit thats illegal. I do not fall under either of those either more. Let me tell you though. You can buy a house with a basement and full yard all day long for a few thousand no problem. Just make sure your ready. Its not for everyone. I did ten years, had a kid than I was out. Living in detroit is not something you want to do forever.


I did. I was not able to locate the company.

You found me right here. Located!

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