Making moonrocks

How much is it? And can you do sugar/distillate mixtures?

Wow so this is how people spray distillate over flower! Amazing share, thanks.

People that smoke Moonrocks probably dont care about quality. So use whatever you want :man_shrugging:

FACT lol


Hi I was curious if your looking for bulk kief?


How you doing homie?

I own a CBD Dispensary in Indianapolis, Indiana. I would love to catch up sometime. Shoot me a DM if you see this.

Which one?

did you ever figure your moonrocks out?

I’m having issues with THC level. If I have 1 lb of flower at 24% and distillate at 92% how much distillate do I apply to reach 50% THC moonrock?

Welcome @RST420

Using grams; you want to meet two conditions.

1). A + B = C

2). A * 0.24 + B * 0.92 = C * 0.5

Setting C to 1000 and graphing those two is one approach.

(A = grams flower, B=grams “distillate”, C = grams “moonrocks”)

And there is always the “guess and iterate”

Try A = 700, and see how it fits…



see: Desmos | Graphing Calculator

x = weed, y = disty. target is set at 1kg “moonrocks”.

@RST420; wanna read the answer off that graph for the rest of the class?
looks a lot like a 60:40 split from the cheap seats…