Please demonstrate you have followed scientific procedure before asking for resistors…
What IS the scientific procedure for lying to a centrifuge?
Let’s explore:
I’ve got a client who picked up a used Beckman Allegra X-12 table-top centrifuge so they could be one of the (sp)in crowd
It has some neat features, including a self-balancing rotor. It also has a flaw, at least for spinning sugar….it wants to maintain a constant 20C.
That’s right, it has refrigeration, but only wants to aim at 20C. We want 35-40C, but it has been told to quit if it hits 40C.
What to do?
Client simply disconnected the compressor, which works, until it hits 40C.
Adding a separate PID control will get the job done, but I think there is a more elegant solution: lie to the damn thing!!!
Using a $0.95 potentiometer
Fine manual
I first suggested a potentiometer across P7 to “set” the temp at 20C. Then OEM RTD could be used on pid control to achieve desired temp, while Fuge happily thinks it’s running at 20C.
But it seems like adding the right resistor (in series) could be used to shift “20C” to 35C.
Which is similar but not identical to the trick suggested over here
Any of you hardware geeks wanna chime in?
@SidViscous @greenbuggy @Lincoln20XX
How would you go about this trick?