Lunatech Biomass Packer (is it worth it?)

Trying to convince my boss to buy one for our lab. He told me to look into people who have used it and get their opinion/results before we go forward with buying it. What are your opinions on it and the real question, IS IT WORTH IT?

i mean what are you currently doing for bag packing? how long does it take you and is it currently a bottle neck?

I couldn’t imagine life without our luna packer.


does it work in the -30 freezer?

As long as you have completely dry air otherwise the internals will ice up and freeze.


definitely pick one up. unlike midget i can imagine life without them because ive had to watch techs manually pack and unpack baskets while our packer was down lol

i almost sent them home…almost :stuck_out_tongue:

then i thought about the open blasting days and working in 100f heat and snow storms and that quickly went away.

but 100% worth it. i personally prefer the vertical version, the horizontal one was a little more annoying to work with IMO


We are still packing them by hand. We have a make shift rack that holds the sock as we pack them. It does cause a bit of a bottle neck. We are pretty fast doing it this way, but I feel we can be more efficient with this particular piece of gear.

It takes one person about 5 minutes tops to pack a bag and those are 10"x50" bags. I’m assuming you’ll be doing 6" bags so those should go even quicker. Packing with the packer will also allow more weight to be packed into each sock.

So you should save time and increase daily throughput.

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Do you have a video of it working?


with the vertical one we pack straight into baskets, can casually do like 1 every 5-10 mins depending on how the material is and whether you gotta break it up. can definitely go faster but theres never a need to rush that fast imo.

we then use the vertical one to pump out all the spent material, clean the basket and reuse. pretty easy.

honestly i dont even know if they still offer the one we have here lol but yeah either way great investment

That sounds like an iron fist packer.

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Whitechapel fan by chance?


we had a custom table built i can pack 4 8X48 socks in about 5 minutes if im hustling haha how easy is it to change the size of the head and packing tube if you want to pack different size columns? do they have conversion kits?

There is no “swap”…only Luna.

oh they upgraded they hell out of those since the first gen that was in a lab i worked at a couple years ago.

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i need it to pack my 8 inch socks haha

Their standard packer is 8"

Oh you said PACKER

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Is this in reference to length or gurth?