Looking to spot buy isolate and disty in LA

Ive been dealing with @DeltaHemp and have had no problems other than ups but that was completely out of tbere control and was made right no problem.


@MillerliteRN @Demontrich @Kinsmanofthesun @IsolationChamberLab @Thetetraguy

Thanks guys for the support on this Monday morning, glad I am given the opportunity to help out the community with quality, consistency, and in a timely matter.



I had troubles with @Thedistillator too


sent you a DM :call_me_hand:

I work with a lab in Socal consistently producing Cat 3 L2L liters at 94-97% THC week over week. We are capable of handling any order size pretty much and we are always consistent in quality and reliability. DM me if in need of any disty.

We are producing Full Spec CBD distillate and CBD Isolate in Central CA. let me know if we can do anything for you.

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Its disturbing reading this post 1.5 later seeing these people are still verified slangers. Banning people for free speech(as troll as it is) but not scammer slangers that donated products to get verified one time(quite the verification process send me something once and you’re forever good!) I wonder how many people bought/sent in their competitors product lool.

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