I have a client that is need of a consultant for a non chromatography t-free method like the T-Sep method but doesn’t want to get custied so insanely hard.
Please hit the dm
I have a client that is need of a consultant for a non chromatography t-free method like the T-Sep method but doesn’t want to get custied so insanely hard.
Please hit the dm
afiak chromatography is your only bet besides doping with isolate until LOQ. I have heard of catalytic remediation but with that comes unknowns
I am wrong apparently
There are other ways.
I have spoken with some fellows on here that have hinted at things.
Sounds like you’re one of the guys hinting at things
Adjusting the ph and saline washing
Cataytic reaction
I’ve even talked to a guy about string reactors
If you leave the THCA intact but selectively decarb the CBD you can remove the THCA via A/B.
Have fun.
There’s certain temps which favor CBDecarb over THCecarb
But how does one alter decarb temp?
Science bitch.
You know what’s up; essentially that’s what tsep
Is; selective decarb followed by A/B.
Not worth 800k, I sat through a sales meeting with a partner and their sales dude; got to ask questions; their sales dude gave out way too much info lol
Anyone know what those temps are?
Yeah nice reply but I found the papers posted on this site.
Good job
Post em
It appears to be extremely simple and straightforward
I think we are on the right track
What you’ll notice about all of this work is that one fact remains the same throughout
The devil is in the details
And nobody shares those details
Yeah that patent is pretty exact in how to selectively decarb with Epsom salts and lye including time and temps. And if you search the site here you can find the exact ph at which thc-a is water soluble. So it seems like all anyone needs to do is make their own operating procedure and spend a little time on trial and error which I plan to do next week. Doesn’t appear theres many details missing from this tbh. Someone semi intelligent with the ability to use the search bar can put it all together pretty fast.
And just for good measure so you don’t have to wear out the search bar
Holy shit. We need more people like you.
Glad we have some people actually using their brains around here