This. Nothing esoteric about it.
really thats something that has pricked my interst.
I though sodium THCa did not disolve in water.
how is this done my friend that sounds awesome.
though it may be that THCa sodium salt does not disolve in any solvent.
so its as easy as washing the CBD from it.
Ahhhh blinded! By science!!!
Please DM me if anyone can consult on this for a client.
DMed you.
Thank you sir
in rowans defence I think I gave the idea up earlier before I checked the solubility of sodium THCa.
it took quite a bit of digging to find the solublity too.
maybe another salt will work though like ammonium.
or maybe some solvents will dissolve the impurities and not the salt of THCa and just
wash it through the buchner funnel with the solvent.
Sodium salting is not going to be the most efficient process
Try experimenting with others and keep your eye open for any unique properties