Looking to hire a consultant to help me make water clear delta 8

Rouge did you just have a stroke?


Nope @Socaldutchman translated a sentence we use often straight up from Dutch
How go s it
We call it dubble Dutch when some one translates like that


Ahhhh gotcha lol, didn’t even pick that up I say it myself :man_shrugging:t3:

The writer that started this is called John o’mill
In the 1950 he was an English teacher
And used these sort of rhymes to teach

Some words are Dutch but most are English
Not sure you can catch up on them


Not to hard to interpret, no that’s awesome though, some cultural advances can’t be learned anymore thank you @Roguelab


how bad is it to smoke small amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

its an antioxidant.

ill see what I can find.

I wouldn’t recommend it,

cool I guess everything we burn cracks in the end so nothing burnt is good.
why make it worse.

thanks :slight_smile:

What do mean by cracks?

Cracking (chemistry) - Wikipedia @Cheebachiefextracts


Gotcha sorry thought was meant as literally crackling of extract, was gonna say you got a lot more to worry about lol

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Lmao it’s always great to see your pure awesome spirit brotha! Keep killin the game @Killa12345

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don’t for get if she don’t crack back in the cracky she ain’t no good brudda.

I have always found it best to do a cracker with a cracky full of great crack back crack.

Its like being a porn star :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Summit sells a product that is a T41 blend of some sort that they claim makes D8. Any feed back on this? ordered it and it makes a gentle rose color. It started clear, but later rose. (SPD 500ML BF)


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why not use p toluenesulfonic acid.

if the journal papers are right and the nmr is right it gives
98% yield with only one product seen via nmr.

they claimed the product was clear in the paper as well.


at the bottom of this thread plus there is a few references to the use of p toluenesulfonic acid
further up the thread.

its better to learn how it works and get the right chemicals than to trust a premade product
if you ask me.

It sets you free from the man.

I am talking to someone right now and it seems that stirring speed has a lot to do with colour as

red to rose seems to be to slow a stirring speed for the heptane polyphosphoric acid reaction
though this is not a delta 8 reaction but a a delta 9 it may be the same.

overhead stirring may be needed.

though I am waiting on advice from a few people before I am sure of this.


We are looking for the same in NY. If you find someone can you send them our way?

Exhibit A

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