Looking to buy D8 THC

the set of peaks in the background represent the limit of detection of the specific cannabinoids. theyve edited out some of the data in that box, but thats assumedly just to keep their method private (oo how novel, an hplc method :unamused: ) no reason to assume anything unscrupulous.
anyway if your sample peak is lower than the limit of detection, then you’re g2g. thats a nice clean chromatograph you got there :slightly_smiling_face:


Can i get an message as well? I definatley will buy some


who is selling hemp derived D8? Gonna use it in vapes, so appearance is a factor.
How much a kilo? Not looking to buy immediately, but I wanna feel out the market… We have had a few clients ask about it now.

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Do you still have D8 available? Dm me.

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can you contact be with pricing for 40 L

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OR you can message him by clicking on his name, hitting the message button, and writing and sending it

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You need to get verified here first before you try and sell d8 plz