Looking for work in LA/Consultations now being accepted nation wide

Great now my car broke down today just as I was getting set up for doordash. I don’t think it’s gonna be crazy expensive to fix (guess I’ll have to bust out my credit card). But I’m just getting shit on in every direction it’s ridiculous.


Wanted to chime in and say I’m digging these helpful and appreciative threads I find here. As someone who’s new to the forum (this spring) but not to the business (20 years) it’s a bit like digging through the ashes for embers sometimes. That being said, I am grateful to be here ☆


I hope it works out, and I think it will because you seem to have the drive for success. Hard times don’t last long for people who don’t tolerate them :100:

What is salary?

Based on what you can take on…
Lots of roles we need fulfilled on site.


What are the roles you have open positions for?

What are the salaries being offered for the roles?

Actually interested not just asking so info is on this thread.


Your salary will be based on how well you accomplish your roles.

This is interview dependent.

Starting is like 55-60k for sock packing and general janitorial and facilities upkeep work.

Going all the way up to 120k if you have lots to offer.

I am not able to throw a number on a forum and employ you based off your website credentials lmfao.

Come, run a VTA for me, run a CLS, lets see what your salary is worth. I can’t decide how experienced you actually are. Lol.


Sounds swell.

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Hiring in Palm desert as well.


Get it while it’s hot fellas.


Hella hot out here lmfao.


The pay to start isn’t great but we need skilled operators up here in Spokane at Dabstract. There’s also a little mobility after you’re on the team for a few months.


Small world. Couple long time friends of mine work there too.


Tiny world.

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Well I’m tired of moving from job to job and having one go under then move onto another and have them go under. I’ve had a very successful brand since 2013 in CA prop 215 days (quail extracts). Went legal and investors/ceo fucked everything up. I’m about to get out of the cannabis industry and try my hand in the alcohol/wine industry. Lots of similarities and no bullshit. Still don’t know how I’m paying rent this month, I’m a drummer so I’m selling most of my gear which sucks…but fuck the Cali rec market


I’m with you right there brother. Currently selling everything I own so the next move isn’t a nightmare, and also so I can move to GA with my parents as a last resort. Just wanted to stop by and show you support, and wine industry sounds like a good place to transfer our skills. I’ve also been considering coffee sales, real estate, and something that leads to history type work xD just been brainstorming thinking of the things I love.

Wishing the best for you man. My little cousin is out in Cali working for Amazon (temp) and he’s paying like 2.8k/mo for his 1bed, so I can’t even imagine what you’re going through.


Could definitely help you take care of palm desert

Done extractions since 2010 every single day for first 6 years then every other day…then 3 times a week…entered the cup a few times. Know plenty but can always learn more. Brought weed syrup to market in 2014. Currently ceo of creative bath design, first cbd bathbomb w joint inside… interested in lab director or lab tech potentially… in socal would maybe relocate… thnx :call_me_hand: sorry can’t dm I’m a noob.