Looking for work in LA/Consultations now being accepted nation wide

Holy shit :flushed:


I’m in Los Angeles. Yes I’ve worked closed loop extractors for the past 6-7 years (open blasted for years before that) and I also know how to run a short path


First consult I did for him two years ago before the market tanked he actually paid me an extra thousand cause I saved him so much money. This time around it was excuse after excuse


What kinda lab in eureka

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I actually might be moving up to sac area if I don’t find something soon. You know of any jobs up there?

I hear only fans is hiring…ass shots, but…ur probably selling it to another guy lol


Not really, I wish I did. I will keep an eye out though.


Bho, distillate, installing ice water system in next 3 months or so too.

Producing HTE, Dismonds, Distillate and soon rosin/ice water hash.


Been doing bho almost 10 yrs, about to shut down my arcata x style shop. Been doing distillate since chris first let the cat out the bag. Use to do bubble in household washer machines. Been in this a while and about to end my setup

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Y u ending it lol?

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Ill give you 3 guesses and the first 2 don’t count.

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Lmfao I don’t have time for that man lol. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::joy:

Its not even remotely worth it anymore, i don’t like the type of people that are becoming more prevalent in the market and the risk and reward don’t equal out. Plus its time to give it up on that side atleast.


Agreed lmfao. Work for a larger company so you dont have to gaf then lol.

You’ll take a large pay cut, but less stress worrying about how you’re going to get paid and how to sell products.


Well keep me posted and when your up this way let’s meet up and talk if you want. Still have some commitments i have to follow through on but im all ears. I would love to be the one getting a check rather than the one always writing them.


I’ll be there in the next week or so.
Dm me your info so I can reach you next week.

I need someone to help run this site.
Current employee is not super motivated and always leaves tasks for the next day that are critical to get done.

Lmk what you’re expecting compensation wise, in DM’s, so we don’t go too far and have different expectations in mind. I don’t like leading people on.


Is this a job opportunity for @Gumby

We need to help this guy he’s helped tons of us with his post


Its both, he’s more than ahead of me in line, considering its a 10-20 mins drive, unless he wants too relocate it might be tough. @Gumby if you do relocate up here let me know, ill see if i can get you a place to get you on your feet and the lay of the land


Is this a legal type 7 facility?

Yup. Big lab processing 1,000lbs of FF weekly, trying to scale to 2,000 lbs by end of year. Adding on ice water hash as well and getting this stainless VTA running by September.