I don’t think 4 extra elemental PPM of P is going to hurt anything. I do agree. Your N is a little high, and your calcium should be above N but that’s hard to do using regular Ca No3 and not a supplemental source of Ca.
Potassium silicate - 0.1
Potassium Nitrate haifa multi gg - 0.2
MKP nova peak - 0.27
Cal Nitrate dehydrate - 0.79
SOP - 0.16
Magnesium Sulphate - 0.7
Potassium Metaborate - 0.003
Micro mix - 0.045
Sensor scales. 15 l tank.
No3 160 ppm/ Ca 180 ppm looking perfect to me.
Perlite/Coco, hand watering daily, 100x100x200 grow tent with 250m3 extractor + two 10 w fans.
25 - 35% humidity and 26 C temp. Very high VPD!
I think it is phenol or formaldehyde gas. My summer grows on the balcony runs significally better and plants are very happy no matter what npk is.
Hey! What’s the minimum temp of your substrate?
I had this kind of issues with low temp coco. Uptaking of Ca was odd and caused K antagonism.
26°c under led seems a tad low too. You talked about your cpd, so probably have leaf temperature. What is it?
Dont know leaf and substrate temp
Сould there be a human factor here? I buy 1 kg of salt from the dealer. I have never bought a closed 25 kg bag directly.
Temp of your Coco would be relevant especially with low ambient temperature.
On an other hand I think you could raise your temp to increase leaves temps.
I don’t know how you calculate your vpd without leaves temp. But if you base your vpd reading assuming a certain difference between ambient air and leaves temperature, you’d be surprised… What chart do you use?
Anyway if you have a Lazer thermometer, check your temp substrate (and leaftemp while your at it).
The fact you have this issue in cold season point me in that direction. Vpd could be odd too.
Why bother with salts with such a small space?
Thanks man. Really appreciated. I am working on hydro store and have access to all that bottled stuff, but dont use it. I am interesting in mixing my own.
You should send your final solution for lab analysis. See where you’re going wrong. First thing is to make sure that reality matches your targets, work back from there if there is any mismatch.
Yea thanks Daniel. Today I called for this. 30$ full NPK and micro…
But every salt has its proper EC and PH. Also my EC meter gives me the same digits as my calc.
Thinking now it is Mg and Zn block (K overshoot via Ca CEC exchange). If I got 230 ppm K, I need drop Ca to 150 ppm like I posted above. Another way is to decrease K to around 100 - 120 ppm while staying with 180 ppm Ca and 160 NO3.
These are not reliable to characterize salts. Many different salts share similar pH and EC levels at the same concentrations. You need actual measurements of the elements in your final solutions to tell you whether the preparation is accurate.
So you didn’t run into this issue with ready mixes. Were you growing the same way (environmental conditions, pot’s size…) May I ask if you switch to led while ditching bottled mixes?
What are your night temp?
Saturated substrates take a while to warm up. Pots on the ground can be cold.
Honestly, big pots, small plants, daily manual watering, low temp… I think that could be a lead… I know it’s a less techy one but it’s an easy one to investigate.
I’m not the one to judge your mix but I’ve been growing in Coco long enough to know how easy this substrates is as long as it’s buffered and your mix got a tad more of K.
Don’t want to be a pain tho.
For buffering coco I have Trilon- B (disodium EDTA) and Cal Nit.
Info was found from diggin Daniels Blog. 2Na for makea coco more clener for micro profile! Fantastic!
Hey you cool guy. Read you almost all. Rice Hulls is amazing Hard to find a good fraction of sand… So, anyway - COCO! Does 2Da need to put first after simply TAP WASH my coco? Second Calcium Nitrate for pushing out Na from EDTA?
Sorry for offtop ))
I think that is PH issue. After a couple of days my solution becames a little muddy. PH 6.2 break down my micros. So now I am prepare 5.5. All stable ))
solved with 110-100-210-74-65-3
there was cal block
bla bla bla ))))