Looking for job/career opportunity's in Eugene OR

Hello forum family. I am looking into my options and trying to source some opportunities for work here in Eugene OR. I am looking for integration into a company with drive, passion and desire for solid quality work. My goals are long term, and so is my vision. I am in search of a family whom I can build with, a team to ride for, and a place to call home. I am not entirely opposed to relocating, although, if i can source an opportunity relatively close to home I would best prefer that as I have just recently relocated here from southern OR in late july.

Message me for contact info if you are an employer looking for an individual with extensive experience and knowledge.

(P.s. If you are a facility who is in need of an experienced team I to have a team behind me ready and willing to work).


I can vouch for this wonderful human being!

He learned by being thrown into the fire, and excelled in lab from day one. He came in willing to learn, and willing to work unreasonable hours to gain the experience and knowledge he was after.

He was my second hire at the last facility I helped spin up…it was absolutely awesome to see him build a team as we scaled. If I had a spot for him I would hire him in an instant. if I needed a team, he’d be my second hire again, and then I’d cherry pick his crew.


Brothers in arms we are! Thank you for your support!


I second what @cyclopath said. I was there for a while and can also vouch for his work, work ethic, and general pleasant demeanor.


I’m setting up a lab in Eugene. Want to swing by and help set up? Plenty of opportunity here.


Shoot me some more details! Would live to chat more!

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Interested in talking if you have time. I have run Co2 extraction equipment start to finish. [


GreenSea Distribution works with a lot of processors. Could attempt to contact and see if they have a good lead.

We are looking for talented/experienced folks at the moment. :point_up:t3:

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Hello! We currently have openings at both our refinement lab in Springfield as well our extraction facility out in Pleasant Hill. Please contact chris@octave-labs.com with your experience and we’re excited to hear from you. Let your team know as well and hopefully we’ll be able to find you and them a cozy spot to land!
Thank you kindly,
Octave Team


Able to talk more?

Do you happen to still have any entry level positions open in Eugene?

I can connect you with our lab manager in Eugene. He may be hiring. Dm me your email.

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Hi are you still looking for work. We are located in roseburg and are a large scale hemp processing facility looking for experienced motivated individuals to bring on the team.

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Lol Ricky dat you?

Are you still in Eugene?

Sadly, no.

I learned just a couple of days ago that he lost his life to an explosion in what I assume was this unlicensed extraction facility (he was last seen here a few days before this event).

Much like @Akoyeh, I am saddened by this loss.

Edit: unfortunately; no assumptions required…
@Akoyeh dug this up https://ktvl.com/news/local/identity-of-white-city-explosion-victim-released

You will be missed dear bro.