Looking for Delta 10 thc

I am trying to find liters of Delta 10 for infusing into cigars at the company that I work for if anyone can point me in the right direction

Same here also looking for delta 10!

I don’t think this has changed much


Yup this sounds about right. Same with THCX, PHC, Delta 11, and many more!

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are you guy’s in Michigan?

Why would you want d10 for a cigar? This sounds like a bad product

There are a lot of bad reports out there about d10 THC. It is not psychoactive. It is not an oil. It is almost never going to be a dominant cannabinoid if there is d8 in the mix


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@ParExtracts Is your d10 tested by a reputable source?

If your d10 is an oil and not a crystal?

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Yes, currently tested by steadfast. Room temp it will crystalize. Its almost like a rosin like texture. Not 100% crystal like. But malleable.

Cool. Wondering what is the rest of the mixture? D9 and CBN? Or is this a hemp product

@ParExtracts - Can you share the COA please?