Looking for canna or hemp derived terps for my small business. ( don’t need a Ltr or a gallon) Looking for good nose and mostly clear to yellow constancy.
Looking for canna or hemp derived terps for my small business. ( don’t need a Ltr or a gallon) Looking for good nose and mostly clear to yellow constancy.
I have cannabis derived Terpenes they are sub critical CO2 extracted. They smell exactly like the biomass and are strain specific
They range in color from light yellow to darker but color is not the main indicator of potency or quality Some of our most pungent batches have been very dark Here’s my website. We just put it up a couple of days ago. HelloTerpenes.com
I was just about to tag you in to this.
Thanks buddy yeah I sent a sample pack out to a guy a few days ago he sent me 250 bucks so I gave him a sample of like four CDT s and he got them yesterday and absolutely loves them
I should ask you if you have a preferred source for jars because the 2 mL glass jars I got I believe are leaking a little bit sooo
Do you have a favorite vendor for like 2 mL 5 mL Etc
I have found a technique Betriot!
Use ptfe tape in between the plastic clip and the glass bottle, no weird flavors and no leaking!
Thanks yeah just yesterday I was talking with Dr. Jack Hughes and he told me jars with Teflon seal. So we are all thinking a like. I appreciate it.
I’d be interested I n trying some of your terps out @Betroit, I love supporting mitten to mitten lol, dm me
I just sent $250 worth to someone who got them in the mail yesterday and he’s super stoked So just let me know what you’d like to do
Also Here’s the website I just launched. Terpenesraw.com
If you want to check it out
I’ll give you better prices than the though
the girl scout cookies on your site, I havent seen GSK hemp varietals, is there any difference in the nose?
Girl Scout cookies are the most pungent out of all eight terpenes that I have right now
They are so good I would literally Keep them all if I could.
The GSC is mj not hemp derived, correct @Betroit ?
That’s right I was just reading the thread and I don’t think it would be a good idea to try to send CDT Turpines to Canada
The hemp derived ones I’m completely fine with they are 100% legal but the CDTs are not and I just don’t want to get anybody into trouble
So for something like that we would have to meet on the side of the border bro
The sad part is I really want to get them into your hands these are absolutely spectacular and I would save all of them for myself if I could
It is literally impossible to find co2 terps in canada…
Can someone please come upstairs and help me?? Haha
Meet me in Detroit bro. Will grab a bite. And collaborate! Lunch is on me!!
I’ll bring the ketchup chips smuggle some kinder surprise eggs
I have an EPIC strawberries n cream strain that smells exactly like fresh strawberries. I also have a cheese strain that’s crazy “rank” if your interested in those 2 terp profiles to add to your collection. You’d have to grow them out from a clone and “do ya terp thang”.
I’m small time grower. So I’m focused on high yield plants (gram per watt) that can consistently deliver the AAA quality standard. If either of those is up to those specs. I’d give them a shot
Both the SC and chz were phenotyped by me. They produce, and are A+ or I dont even bother growing it.
I’m in Michigan how about you bud
Yep, that’s me and yes, they are the real deal. Can’t imagine you’ll find anything better.
I will say, dollar for dollar, you can’t go wrong with the stuff from colombiabeneficial – hehas some really excellent suver haze terpenes
that smell terrific, very true to strain, with a lovely hazy/floral/sweet/grassy cannabis aroma. Complex and totally worth it.