When talking to the police (with or without an attorney present):
I have one of the top lawyers in Michigan on retainer. I asked about expungement, he said nope. Not with my prior charges. I asked this 8yrs ago.
You need what’s known as a “restoration of rights” - bit different than an expungement and way more fucking expensive. I’ve been looking into it, myself. Expect upper 4fig to lower 5fig costs. Ain’t cheap.
Talk to a new lawyer.
My charges were all non-violent pot growing charges.
I don’t how expungement works for crimes with victims or gun charges.
When the raid came I knew I was in trouble. The crazy part was when they put me on jail, they locked me in a room with no running water. They didn’t let ma call my lawyer or charge me for 14 days! They were pretty surprised when they finally got handed a phone and dialed my criminal defense attorney’s number by memory!
Did my 168 mo in da fed and currently own a licensed grow and processing facility. The true measure of character is how one handles adversity, not how they deal with success.
Did prop 207 help you out at all?
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