LOOK INTO MY EYES | CORVAIN COOPER [incarcerated for cannabis]

On this episode of Let’s Be Blunt, Montel talks with Corvain Cooper. Corvain spent nearly 8 years in a maximum-security prison, serving a life sentence without parole for a non-violent marijuana offense. He was sentenced under the 1994 Federal Crime Bill’s three strikes law because of two previous non-violent convictions which were later vacated. On January 20th, 2021, after the hard work of many individuals and organizations, he finally and fortunately received a grant of executive clemency from Donald Trump in his final days in office. Out on 10 years of parole, he is reuniting with his loved ones, rebuilding his life, and working hard to make change. He is now a Chief Brand Ambassador at 40 Tons, a black woman-owned premium cannabis, clothing, and accessories brand from LA, California. 40 Tons advocates for restorative justice, reduced sentencing, and rehabilitation for non-violent cannabis offenders. He now serves as an advisor to the Last Prisoner Project, and the author of a four-part memoir “Look Into My Eyes” set to be released later this year.


This is infuriating, heartbreaking and it​:clap: must​:clap: stop :clap:

At this point, in almost ashamed to wanna around trade show floors with all the other white people in flat front khakis and branded polos while men and women are in prison for life for doing the same thing at the wrong time.

We just put the author of the crime bill and California’s top incarcerator of brown and black people in the highest offices on the land and, God help us, we look to then to change it and are shocked when they don’t.

God help us.


Drug laws were used to create 13th amendment slaves

If getting rid of racism is our new agenda the drug war needs to go with it.


And, my concern moving forward with decriminalization is that for-profit prisons will morph into for-profit rehab centers which will continue to functionally incarcerate people for drug use while billing insurance.

Also, do we really have the amazing @Montel on our forum right now!?! I’m having a fangirl moment.



When they put a licensed thc lab right outside a men’s prison…

Literally the biggest joke I’ve ever seen, i bet someone’s in there for cannabis.

This was in Adelanto CA


@montel was polite enough to shake hands with people a couple years ago at Portland’s NW Cannabis Club.

I got to thank him for his past work in highlighting injustices, and id like to say thank you again for being here to say more.


I got hit with 4yrs probation for 1/4oz in fla back in the late 90’s. Probably could have gone easier if I didnt have a “public pretender” for a lawyer.


That’s why I have a few felonies on my record. To quote a famous educator we all know and love - “He folded faster than Superman on laundry day”


And this is the issues. You can’t be a licensed producer or business owner with a record. Total, in your face, injustice.


I have been to prison and am buying a rec license.

Check your facts.


You can, but there are stipulations. Such as time since conviction. Number of convictions and types of conviction.

Either way a lot of people were not allowed to join due to past convictions of marijuana charges alone and that is definitely unfair.


Depends on the state, timeframe and nature of the crime. A lady in Colorado was denied for a prior prostitution conviction. I also would be barred from holding a colorado license for 10 years for a weed felony I was charged with had I been convicted. Drug related felonies in Colorado equal no license for 10 years i think. That’s after your done with years of prison probation etc


I got licensed and thank god it was through people with super deep pockets because alone I never would have been able to afford the legal representation without it. I remember their first statement when I told them my record was “Really? Well as long as you’re not paying for it…”. Didn’t help I was arrested in Taxachusetts - once you’re not revenue for them anymore they could care what happened in the past. However it was really scary still since at the time, if you were found to have an open warrant or anything that required attention of law enforcement they’d pull your ass out of the room you were waiting in to get your card printed in via a pretty new pair of bracelets. I thought this was bullshit until I saw one guy get pulled out over an unpaid speeding ticket in cuffs.

Correct - If I remember correctly there were some that were ‘No-go’ types where they’d keep you off the card list but what those were escapes me. I know they’ve done a big overhaul of the licensing system since I applied for mine but all i’ve gotta do nowadays is just fill out the readmission stuff since I’m a boring dad that never gets in trouble anymore


Excellent. I love it when I’m wrong about injustice


I was concerned about my past when I applied to get my Handler’s Card in Alaska because they do some big “back ground check”. But, thankfully nothing came up and they handed me the card after I paid my dues, I mean fees. Shit, I had the state of Alaska award me my right to bare arms back. That doesn’t mean I’m going to be toting anything around in FL (where everything happened)! That would be a very quick way for me to get shot seeing as how batt LEO was my main charges.


I have been told the following
NO passport ever
Never allowed to leave the continental usa, ever.
Never allowed to vote
Never allowed to legally possess a fire arm
Never allowed to get a liquor lisence
Never allowed to get any type of mj lisence, ever. Any type person minus person med card.

So wtf is a person supposed to do with his or her life when NO (well very rarely) quality employer will hire a felon.


This makes me want to write a strongly worded letter. It’s criminal and also, Jesus hates injustice. Makes my blood boil.

If I can ever support your business ventures, I’ll do it x 100.


It’s what pushed me to get serious in cannabis. Since I have no rights as a human anymore, fuck you. I’m gonna be the best lowlife you’re gonna label me as. I’ll win the goddamn lowlife olympics.


Wow you may have helped me piece together my conspiracy puzzle. No wonder they want mandated government insurance. Wouldn’t want someone in rehab prison not covered


Check and mate.

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