Anybody have experience with long term (1yr+) storage of flower without serious degradation and oxidation problems? In Maine the suits are allowing a “one time transfer” of medical flower to be sold as recreational flower for businesses that are looking to shift from medical to rec. So basically I’m looking to stockpile as much flower as possible until they start granting rec licenses (which could be as late as a year from now) and then make my “one time transfer” so I have a bunch of product ready to go and hit the ground running. I’ve looked at nitro purging it and then vacuum sealing it and keeping it in a controlled environment, but if anybody has any tricks based on experience I’d gladly welcome the input.
Cure properly. A good cure can last years. Vac seal I’m dry cold storage not to cold don’t want to create moisture content or make the bags sweat.
I vac sealed a headstash Kyle Kushman strawberries n cream flower from back in the day. This was vac sealed and stored in a dark 72f-80f dark room for about 1.5yrs.
Potency went down. Bag appeal went down. Nose smell doubled from my normal cure and jar cure sop.
Someone from OMP said the one time transfer is only for plants and seeds…not dried flower.
Right, “plants” can be a harvested plant not processed further than rough trim.
I use Grove Bags and they by far work the best out of any packaging I’ve ever used for long term storage. Its one of the reasons I decided to partner up with them lol.
I’ve noticed buds get brittle from being stored in the cold. Do you guys see the same?
Boveda etc will help maintain humidity levels but can take terps away, same with oxygen absorbers. Argon gas is used to prevent wines from oxidizing after they are opened, something I might consider also as it appears less reactive then nitrogen. I knew someone cold curing extra dried bud for 3 years and it was still a nice green. He said the trick was drying it more then normal, sealing in a canning jar and leaving it in a cold dark place. Thats all I got
My understanding of how the track and trace software works is that it is growing plants and seeds that they will allow to be transferred, not harvested plants. They will let you create tags for growing plants…not labels for a harvested batch…or I think they call it a “lot” in the software.
After that all plants or seeds a registered grower brings into the system need to come from another registered user of the recreational track and trace system.
They are trying to solve the problem of getting the first legal plants in the recreational system.
The best I’ve ever seen was dried and fully cured then vaccum sealed twice then buried underground in 55 gallon drums. It was mostly for security but they would pull 10 month old outs in August and we would sell them to the dispensary as indoor back in 2012 2013.
My Man says: “Go long, and I mean end of the field long!”
Everyone loves the under dog! Good call! What’s up @blackie?
“50 percent of the time works every time” (That’s Science!)
Place in a bag, backfill with argon, then vacseal that bag. Leave argon in the first bag so its puffed up a bit. Fit that into the vac bag and seal it shut, throw it into the freezer and its good for 2 years atleast.
When u take it out of the freezer, do not open the vac seal bag until the buds have been stored in 60F for 2 or 3 days. Flip the bags around once a day during those 2 or 3 days. Open the bags, burp them and throw them into a turkey bag. Throw that turkey bag into a closed container.
Do NOT use bovidas for long term storage, please.
When there was a more definite swing in supply, (november/december compared to summer) we used to seal up half of our harvest and store in the freezer until summer hit, to get the higher ticket then fall crop prices. Now with all the light dep and “decent” autos, there isnt much of a “dry” season anymore.
If u really want to do the best u can, flash freeze the vac sealed bags in nitrogen/dry ice bath before placing it into the freezer
I think backfilling buckets with argon is slightly better for bulk curing/storage, as you can fill em 3/4ths of the way up and give em a roll. Once shelf stable you can quickly consolidate, and the end product doesn’t get squashed to hell.
This thread is gonna be far too relevant for everyone this year so I’m reviving it.
Lol. There’s a lot on the market your way too huh and the real harvest hasn’t hit yet.
We would fill barrels and attack valves to the top vac out air and nitrogen fill with everything had that done to it before the barrel and ive seen it look fresh 2-3 yrs later. One yr we found a barrel and could only know how old it was by knowing which strain, it was over 2yrs old and looked just as good as the stuff being trimmed
Group buy and bury who’s in!
Anybody tried Grove bags yet?
Been curious about these myself!
Grove bags are good I reuse them often with cbd light deps for my small business they definitely hold up better than other methods of storing the big bags are nice 5lbs up to 20lbs I believe on their site