My right boot has worn a hole in the back part of the bottom of the sole grip, occasionally I have to dig rocks out of it cause they get in there if they’re small enough and just jingle around every step I take, you don’t feel them but you hear them and you wonder what the fuck.
I wear mine most of the time, but it’s the times I don’t that I regret it. Most of my pants and half my t-shirts have at least 1 small spot on them from cannabis.
We all have a clean set for tours and a few to actually dirty up. I learned that the hard way when there was a tour and I had to wear a coat with a giant oil stain on the front. Also, I like the Navy Blue coats because they don’t look as bad stained up as white ones.
Now you’re starting to sound like a sailor! I think I’m gonna order a Sunday Goin To Meetin set for me and my boys. Ours are starting to look pretty filthy!
Any kind of cooking oil. Coconut oil with rock-salt for the stuff that is truly stuck. Beats ethanol when you have to get hash off humans and our furry friends.
Will definitely take that advice in the future! I appreciate the
Hell yeah, always keep coconut oil in my labs haha
Carhart apron…
Becoming one with the hash. I think about oil i attract the oil.
A gentleman i know has some gear made just for us and this reason. Check him out. I believe its
I like mine, it’s been a workhorse. Prob 1000 hours on it now, needed a overhaul anyways.
If the carriage melted that’s not normal was it printed in ABS? I had to print petg parts to assemble the voron to print ABS to re assemble it lmao. Started with a shitty ender 3 had to make it work.
So ruined carpets count? If so I got some pics for y’all
Or ceilings, lol.
All the messes, let’s show the world its not all glamorous lol.
I just keep wearing the same ruined clothes over and over again so it doesnt keep happening haha
I have a trash bag full of new clothes I ruined the first time I wore them. If getting extract on your clothes even comes up around my girl she will lose her shit about how many pairs of pants and shirts I’ve ruined days after she bought them for me.
It’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it
Thankful now I got quick hands and good gas so I haven’t added to the grave yard in months.
spicy gas makes things messier?
Drastically, spicy gas like to blow lids off jars and rapidly boil like non spicy gas never could.
Normalize soaking your lab coats in solvent then hang drying them in the c1d1.
For street clothes, ill soak the spot and dab dry the spot first with alcohol then soak the spot with laundry detergent overnight before washing . Never met an oil or grease stain that could make it through that routine.
Often looks stable and then the slightest aggitation (like bumping the table) can cause a violent eruption, usually when opening the jar. So incredibly brutal and difficult to predict/deal with.
I think lll be building some miners out of some 4" sight glasses to avoid more stains, but I know damn well I’ll still spill shit on me regardless. Lol.
i wear work gloves instead of latex and i soak them in ethanol when they get sticky, would definitiely work wth clothes but the dye ruins the ethanol for extraction use