Loading distillate vape pen

Is a ‘wax liquizer’ a good solution for diluting distillate for a vape pen? I searched but there is no such topic


Which reading some of the threads you have been pointed to would likely have mentioned.

Eg the subject likely comes up repeatedly amongst these

and these

That is because you misspelled liquid

As expected, there are 50+ hits for “wax liquidizer”


you want CDT or HDT or cannabinoids (CBD, CBC)

See: Best cutting agent for the carts



It is entirely possible that the only problem is how you’re loading those disposables…it’s a long shot, but if you can’t be bothered explaining your technique, you’ll never know.

Adding 5% of the right CDT/HDT would likely help (Eg: HELP! Looking to buy compliant HTE! - #6 by Octave). Assuming you’ve read up on how to properly achieve that.

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