I’ve never seen a cartridge that would do well with anything above 80 - 85% total THC. If you’re distillate is purer than that on your COA’s, and you’re not diluting them with anything, then it’s probably going to be to viscous to work properly with any type of cartridge wick. Even carts that offer a preheat option tend to burn the oil that’s in the coil while preheating. Once it’s burned some oil in the coil area chances are the cart will always taste like burnt oil. If you manage to get it to work please don’t forget to update us! Good luck!
Looking through here it seems like some folks have had luck with the smallest amount of cannabis terps I can imagine (like 1-2 drops in some cases) to get cartridge oil to the right viscosity. I also forgot to mention that the size of the oil intake holes inside whatever cartridge you’re using will make a huge difference. If your carts have 1.2mm holes maybe up sizing to a 2mm will make enough difference for your purposes!