Live resin distillate carts: truth in labeling?

Good comment, and the market you are serving probably matters a lot. Also, the way the question or choice is posed matters a lot. When asked like it was in your example, you’ll get a lot of the live resin affirmative responses. But, on a shelf where they are both labeled the same and one is $15 less, I suspect alot more people will cleave off towards the disty.

Absolutely, an educated customer cares a lot. A lot of med patients and mature AU market customers are educated.

In my market, there is a lot of really rudimentary education that needs to go on about distillate. To me, transparently labeling something as distillate actually helps sell both the live resin and the distillate. It gives you a structure off which to educate the customer.


Hear of honest marketing?
This is what Im aiming at :nerd_face:


I agree.


So much truth here. Label what things are. I’m happy to sell vape carts for cheaper that are distillate. I’m just as happy to sell a partially decarbed rosin cart for more. I label them both clearly.

When I first came to Michigan it blew my mind that people were labeling things that were obviously distillates as live resin. But then people started saying that things that were remediated were not. And they always said that things that had CRC didn’t have CRC. So maybe in Michigan people just do whatever they fucking want… and customers don’t care that much?

Case in point - my wife hates live resin carts, too “weedy” for her. Give her a botanical terp disty cart that tastes like pina colada and bam! I’m getting laid. :wink: Not everyone is my wife - but here’s just an example where customers are always right and they want different things. I try to offer a little bit of everything for them - you know?


I’m glad I’m not alone in this view on the matter.


I like the term zombie resin like echo electuary uses for their mixed live/cured runs

May be time to revisit this topic: Protected terms in cannabis


I’ve ran an SPD full of live resin decarbed diamonds :raised_hand:
And put it out in the market
D9 can’t be live. Live means you have the volitiles lost through drying. I can make diamonds from any material that has THCa.
By your definition I could sell my distilled live resin decarbed diamonds as “live resin” by itself. That would be a much bigger lie than disty + HTE from FF as live resin in my opinion.
Volitiles present in the extract that were also in the living plant that would be lost through drying then extraction seems the logical distinction.
There is absolutely nothing you could do to clean d9 sourced from THCA diamonds made from fresh frozen that could turn it into live resin other than adding live resin HTE. The HTE by itself is indeed live resin HTE regardless of whether those liquid diamonds are added back to it. The liquid diamonds are not “live resin liquid diamonds” by themselves it’s just d9 and selling just that d9 as live resin would be extremely dishonest and consumers would be like wtf this has no smell how can this be live resin. Pretty basic logic exercise that results in the HTE carrying the possibility of being live resin and the d9 not really being a part of it at all.

I don’t even make distillate and one of the only distillate carts I’ve put out on the market was the live resin liquid diamonds I distilled once. Still seems pretty obvious what ever carries the volitiles lost in drying is what is “live resin”.


To truly answer this question let’s remove the stigma distillate has with it.
I dope volitiles in diamonds. Clean dry diamonds with up to 2% terps in then (not on them, clean dry diamonds 2% terps inside of them)
When I dope fresh frozen terps inside the thca they are live diamonds.
Does it matter if the crystalline thca comes from fresh frozen, fire trimmed indoor nugs, or trim that resembles hay if it’s 99% thca being doped with the fresh frozen volitiles? I don’t think it does, you can disagree all you want but I don’t even treat the product streams different once it is indistinguishable. Once it’s 99% purity thca there isn’t a thing in the world that can tell the difference. You can hold ground to be “heady” but you will get eaten alive by businesses that are efficient.


To be clear I don’t have a definition. I was saying that it would be considered closer to live resin since the distillate was actually made from material that was extracted live.

And since you’ve done it before I’m sure we can all agree it’s not financially a good move and for the most part nobody does that.

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The question isn’t what you’re thinking. The question is, is it shady to mislabel distillate as live resin.
The answer is obvious

I wouldn’t consider it closer by my definition though because it has no volitiles. My definition relies entirely on the source of the volitiles present. Isolates and distillates would fall in the same category of no volitiles thus equally non “live resin”.

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Let me give you an example.

You buy cocaine from a dealer and he gives you crack. Mislabled but still gets you high. Is that shady?

Any business willing to mislead customers are shit bags.

Distillate is not live resin and live resin is not distillate.

I’m glad to see you scammed people on your “live resin” disty carts. Show’s integrity

Your example is an extremely poor representation of the situation. It would be much more like you buy meth and you get some breaking bad methylamine meth. Same molecule, made two different ways so it has two different types of potential contamination.


I meant crack. If you go back and looked I fixed it. Sorry not a real junky

To the contrary my definition does not care if you add distillate or liquid diamonds it is based on the source of the volitiles and it’s the only logical definition I’ve come across. Everything else is “feelings” and I nor science nor customers care about what gives you the warm and fuzzy.


You’re high off your ass if you don’t think customers don’t care and I already proved that by posting polls.

And the fact that there’s literally only one person that agrees with your view in the thread should also tell you something

Your question capitalized on the stigma of distillate. My example with diamonds presented in person and without obvious bias in the form of the experiment would give you different results.

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It’s all good your customer base will start dwindling once they figure it out. :100:

I don’t form my opinions on general consensus. I got where I’m at by not being content with what most others think and I’m not about to change that. :joy:


Spoken like a true scammer. Keep on mislabeling disty for profits. You’ll care what others think when those others are your custies that are moving onto another plug