Live resin carts

It’s a similar heat to low temp dabs so yes


I don’t think thc can be vaporized without decarbing


whats your residual ppm for solvents on your hte? has it been dewaxed properly? have you tried more than one batch of carts?

any disadvantages to using 100% HTE, no distillate? I just filled 3 carts with straight live resin HTE to try it out and the flavor is on point. Tastes just like it does on the nail. HTE tests at 68.9% THCa, 9.6% THC, with 180 ppm residual n-butane. Wonder if that THCa will crash out over time if I fill a bunch of carts and let them sit for a few weeks?


Look like it was just me. Everyone love them, yup the person who makes my HTE is very well set up, no waxes or nothing, it is been made by a professional. I buy a QP (for strains) of HTE. But the carts are still missing a little something, Iike the after taste. I am used to carts with cannabis-derived terpenes so when I smoke on an HTE cart, to me, it doesn’t taste as good as what I want to.

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I leave my HTE jar for a week or so to see if there is some recrystalisation, nothing happen, I fill my carts, did 200 with dis+hte and 200 with 100% HTE, all good so far and it’s been more than a week, Distillate sure help your product to not recrystelize, even if it happen, the diamonds are so tiny they still smoke. I do CBD carts with Isolate and sometimes the CBD crash out, but the CCELL’s carts still do the job.


hte is cannabis derived terpenes and cannabinoids… which modality are you referring to when you say youre used to cannabis derived terpenes in your carts?


I know that HTE is cannabis derived, I misspoke, I was talking about Co2 and Microwave terpenes, the one that smell and taste like cannabis. If you have some before, you know what I mean.


I recently read a test study that showed live resin terpenes to increase exponentially with the addition of mild heat… it was believed that the heat is converting the sesquiterpenes into monoterpenes creating a more dominant straightforward flavor profile


Hey there!
Trying to get the right consistency for live resin Carts. It has been our biggest issue. They look fine when first made but then they turn cloudy. Any pointers/tips you could give me?

@Green_Dazey It’s hard to tell from this picture but can you see if it’s crystallizing? Besides that, what are the carts you use, what if any are your cuts and what percentages are they? And when you say live resin, is it winterized? Bho? The HTE component of live resin? Basically any and all contributing factors will help to give advice.

This is why I dewax and decarb all my carts now…if ur terps are high enough it will still taste great and be clear

I tried going the live resin route but it’s to hard to do without adding the nasty stuff.

Technically live resin


What makes you say technically? HTE + distillate?

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Because the terps are from a live harvest. Only thing not fresh is the thc, but that really doesn’t matter. Thanks to modern technology you can see the pen is clearer/taste fresher than a conventional live resin pen


The best pen I’ve had, and it was the best in taste and effects, was hydrocarbon live resin HTE mixed with distillate. Tasted like a dab, felt like a dab.

I’ll be on that level soon in Michigan. Probably gonna put it in ceramics.


We are working on the next step for high resolution hte hits!


Sauce carts, my mixes are perfect I’ll make a sop for the glg to have in the next few days.


Here’s a Crc live resin/hte Cart(not distillate)

it’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted. Super sour lemons


Was that decarb? How does it not Crystallize back up… it’s beautiful!