Liquid diamonds is just distillate, change my mind

The difference between liquid diamonds and distillate is the disty will have about 5-8% of unknown compounds in it, However, Liquid diamonds (when done properly), will have very little unknowns, like less than 1%.

Some folks can taste it, others cant, some ppl have sensitive lungs while others can smash it and be fine.

I’ll tell ya 1st hand … my dudes…Its a crying shame to melt diamonds but I do it for the money :money_mouth_face:


Has anyone distilled thca? Hands down the best mixed back with canna terps!!!
Wouldn’t distilled thca be distillate?

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What method is used to “distill” the acid and keep its carboxyl group intact ?


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distillation requires vapor state, so you’d need a way to vaporize the THCA and not decarb it.

I get a little THCA carryover in my wiped film disty, but never more than 3-4%

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It seems my wording was taken wrong. During distillation it would be turned to vapor causing the acidic group to break off. I was just trying to prove d9thc isolate could in fact be distillate. I don’t know about the rest of you, but if I had a choice to smoke thca that was distilled over thca that was just decarbed. I’d choose the stuff that was still distilled

How does one have thca carry over on a wiper? It should have long been decarbed before touching a wiper

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Ain’t it purdy though…:facepunch::green_heart:

It is just from incomplete decarb prior to distilling and carry over.

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Usually carts made from diamonds should still have the strain specific terpenes from the flower it was extracted from. I dont think you would even WANT the terps from the flower disty is being made from, and probably is a mix of different strains too. Even at lower THC content a proper diamond and sauce cart will always hit harder than a 85% disty cart. Funny you mention that to because i follow this brand of carts called Liquid Shatter on IG and they all look really nice and different colors for different strains


So are you talking about adding in extra terps after? A lot of diamonds have a flavor to them
On there own ie: terpenes.

When done properly… I’ve bought some “raw” diamonds from a rec store that smelled like solvent and looked like shatter with sugar smashed in.

Pretty sure both can be done properly to where the end consumer would struggle in a blind taste test. It’s funny how so many say consumers are too concerned with the thc% but aside from the fact it can be called something other than distillate, the higher thc% seems to be the main benefit.

The unknowns & isomers in distillate make decarbed diamonds a superior ingredient.

As we all know, some people like knowing what they put in their bodies and other people don’t care. Both camps will certainly exist for many years to come


If melted diamonds produce a superior ingredient because of purity why contaminate it with HTE or terps? Surprise, the majority of consumers do not want pure thc, distillate or decarbed.

Point being is if you were to compare the best distillate to the best decarbed diamonds, how much of a difference would there be in the end product after it all gets diluted?

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When you say “best distillate” I assume your speaking about a fuller spectrum…

High quality distillate w other cannabinoids present is very similar feeling to decarbed thca diamonds.

Both THC as we all know.

Adding pure high quality CDT …they’re both about the same imo.

I didn’t used to think so…cognitive dissonance.

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Because the terps done been purified too

Refined Live Resin

whats solvent smell like?

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It’s not a contamination when you want it in there lol hte is added for flavour which is part of the entourage effect.

Explain to me this, If there is 88% TAC in distillate, then what is the other 12% ??




When people talk about the best thca diamond I don’t think anyone is thinking full spectrum anything. Full spectrum thca crystal?? Crystallization and distillation are both ways of isolating and purifying a compound. HTE is added to both for the same reason.

What’s the yellow stuff in some lower grade crystallizations? Must be part of the spectrum.

If you compare fresh apples to rotten oranges the former will always come out a winner.

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Liquid diamonds are real, not marketing mumbo jumbo.

I came to this thread with one perception, but now I’ve been reformed.

Praise Jesus.