Liposomal melatonin and Methamphetamine

I’ve used addys as an effective tool, but conversely I’ve also seen it consume people and lead them down dark paths.

I’d call abusing adderall recreationally a gateway to meth abuse for sure.


Right but I think the small dosage prescribed by a doctor is much less likely to cause someone to go down that route.

I had used coke a lot in high school, it was the first stimulant I ever tried. It wired my brain to want to constantly redose any stimulants. So when I got prescribed 10mg adderall later in life I didn’t even get a refill before I noticed that I was starting to abuse it.

So I stopped taking it and didn’t get the prescription refilled. This was easy for me because probably because the dose was 10mg and not 200mg.

People who use drugs like meth typically just want that dopamine and that need for dopamine influences their decision making process.


Bing bang boom, now THIS is productive conversation, and that I like. I’d say you nailed it @Franklin, self awareness is key to know not to abuse, and not the woke I tripped a bunch self awareness, that good, ol’ fashioned self awareness is key.


Gotta love a good discussion!

Self awareness is key, for sure. But so is the desire to use that awareness, say no, and walk away before shit gets deep. Not all addicts planned on becoming one, but some knowingly jump in whole hog, ready to sign their lives over to a chemical.

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I’ve seen people get just as spun from using high dose adderall as methamphamine


For sure! I was saying that, as well as the flip side of the coin, that small doses of prescription methamphetamine is very similar to amphetamines in effect, both good and bad. Either way, both can be used beneficially, and both can be totally abused. Why not shoot for a little harm reduction for the users who are willing?


Yes, because the methyl group on methamphetamine allows for permiation of the blood brain barrier faster. (Outside of that little difference, it’s the same molecule)

It’s basically the same difference between codeine and morphine. They’re the same compound, with a different group attached that allows for quicker binding.

Meaning, if you take enough amphetamine, you get the same or similar effect as methamphetamine.

Codeine/morphine/heroin, kind of the same deal.

Once again, administration and dosage are key.

@Vanillagorilla is this a proper assumption?


I don’t see any positive from any kind of amphetamine use

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Me either for the most part. There are the rare cases, but I don’t personally know anyone who falls into that category. I sure as hell wouldn’t give it to a kid for add/adhd!

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I think giving it to kids is just creating a gateway to meth

I’m not judging anyone who uses adderall but I wouldn’t call it a healthy lifestyle choice to use it regularly


I’ve got a few friends that have adult diagnosis of ADHD. They’re on either phenidates or amphetamines, and it’s made a massively positive change in their life (at least in terms of focus & productivity).

My friend went from scattered to now being a lead developer in a big data management firm. I know immediately when he’s not on his meds. He’s certainly a fine person either way, but he’s much better to hold a conversation with when he’s dosed.

My friends are very healthy people, mentally and otherwise. I think painting broad strokes over any substance is silly. Obviously things with extreme dopamine surging need to be used with extreme caution.


Brompton’s Cocktail


Guys, let’s get to the real issues. :rofl:

Got’d dang kitty sniffers can be quite a bag too.

Like, I am all for experimenting, and trying to play with how your mind perceives things, and trying to find comfort in it, but there are some seriously ill people running around with all manner of molecules, that do ungodly harm.

People that play with RC’s are some of the worst. Heard of people dosing people with things to rob/kill them… this happened to a buddy of mine this past december. Died after being sober of opiates for a while.

Some of these drug cultures are really toxic. S*** even some weed industry folks are pretty unsavory.


I don’t think ketamine is the same type of black hole that meth and uppers are. Ketamine has gained traction for treatment of depression. There’s some places in NY doing infusion therapy for severe depression. Don’t know if you intended to throw it in with RCs but it definitely is not.


I don’t see using any kind of amphetamine long term to be a good choice. you still have all the long term effects associated with meth


It’s also become very very common to use to anesthetize people in emergency situations, and is the number 1 go to in combat field medicine. I believe almost all ambulances carry and use that over other opiates etc.


My gripe comes with street use. Medically there’s even a place for RC’s.

Yes, I put them pretty dang gone close, both drug cultures are horrifically toxic.

Thats not to say “people who use them are bad” but I have seen some real ugly s*** within the culture as a whole. Whenever you have people utilizing large quantities, in society, without watch dogs or supervision, yeah, ugly things generally come from it.

Everyone knows someone to even try and lure girls in with weed. Utilizing stash to abuse people, which is gross.

Really it comes down to people are gross, regardless of substances, substances can just mess with inhibitions which is fire to play with, a real f***y game.

I’ve had homies nearly destroy themselves, and their minds with ket, the types to run through a zip in a night, and the stories are less than impressive.

High dosage recreational use, makes any good they can do seem pretty dreadful…

Kind of like how meth gives Adderall a bad rap.

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And it was only ketamine. No other drugs? I’ve never met someone with an actual problem that stemmed from ketamine. Plenty of people that used ketamine and other stuff that had major problems but never just a “k head”.

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