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Yeah if I really really need windows I have a win 10 and win 11 vm in proxmox, and I suppose if I was on the move I’d use virtualbox. Wine is a bit tricky to setup if you are going in blind and not sure what settings need changing and what stuff needs installed. That is why those links are nice, it’s all preconfigured and just werks™ out of the box, or if it doesnt they tell you what doesnt work and why.


Made a lil video showing how easy it is to use Proton on Steam Linux. Not sure how easy this would be if you have your old games on a disc.

@XDinF4200jail used Star Wars: Battlefront as an example!

PS. I still haven’t figured out how to stream with sound using OBS. I wanted to isolate sound sources and whatnot but OBS on linux doesn’t have that capability out of the box. Also looks like I didn’t adjust the streaming resolution before I hit start xD but you get the gist


Now that’s inspirational. I’ll have to really take another whack at it. Would be nice to leave the windows dependencies to just vms.


Has anyone successfully implemented a VM single or dual GPU passthrough?

I just put together a Ryzen 7, RX6700XT, 64GB DDR5 and would love to play something a little more graphically intensive than DOOM.


I wonder if people still use the Crysis series as a good graphics performance benchmark.

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This is no problem on proxmox (PCI Passthrough to KVM), but if you are using a random linux host and something like virtualbox you’ll likely be making compromises to make it all work properly, if that is even possible. What OS are you running, what os is the VM? Proxmox is a solid option, after you do the gpu/mouse/keyboard passthrough the attached monitor shows the vm screen and you control proxmox through a web browser. I haven’t noticed the <1% performance hit. On a newer PC it should JustWerk™, sometimes you gotta fiddle with it
PCI Passthrough - Proxmox VE


I’m on Arch and Debian, Windows is the VM. That link is what I was looking for. Thanks @sidco


Proxmox is the wayyyy

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+1 on the proxmox. I ran a windows gaming machine like this for a few years with a windows vm on proxmox, gpu passthrough, and a kvm over IP. I used this kvm device:

My plan was to build a bunch of terminals like this so I could put lightweight machines all around (office, garage, gaming setup, etc) and push around cpu/memory/disk resources as needed. Because of that I built a machine around a threadripper from the go but these days its mostly used for development vms.

Also, just ignore the fact that I’m years out of date, its on the list of projects :wink:


I wish there was a kvm extender over ip that did 160hz+(1080 or 2k) and supported gsync
The one you linked looks like the best you can get (1080P@120Hz)


Raritan makes some pretty awesome gear.


This thread is full chub

That device is limited to 60fps
Can I make a 200fps gaming rig via Proxmox!?

If I could turn my entire closet proxmox and gaming rig to just be a massive super Proxmox with a gaming rig VM…

I’d drop idk 4-5k on what I need? @sidco what you think?

I’m due in the next couple months to probably drop a decent amount on a nice upgrade from current setup that’s been fun to mess with.

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Tbh never tried to game over a kvm switch like that but supposedly its better than something like parsec, which doesnt bother a lot of people. Im gonna go for it. Yeah you put proxmox on the gaming rig (or a gpu in the server] hook up the hdmi and usb to the kvm1, kvm2 has an ethernet cable running to it and your monitor and mouse plug into it. Keeps loud server in the closet and desk space maximum.

Ah yeah, the kvm switch is gonna be the bottleneck. They had this in 2019 so I think amazon just doesn’t have the good shit yet does 1080@240Hz but drops to 60Hz at 2-4k


Yeah, that’s the goal. My entire PC / gaming system / media center / 3D Printer all in my walk in closet. I’m still shopping, but figured I’d take your suggestion and buy all at once vs piece by piece so I get the most bang for my buck… So I’m thinking 60 days or less. The extra long hdmis or display ports.

I also need new caps / crimpers because my overstock of cabling needs to go to my new office pronto lol

Bonus Trivia: Can you see the MW logos?


That has to be unbearably hot


I think you know I live in a Winter wonderland. I’ve got the best heater when I need it.

I do enjoy the views. It doesn’t effect me at all thankfully. I also leave a window open for it haha


What about 1440?

I’ve kind of admitted defeat I want 200fps and 1440 over 4k and 120fps or is it 60 bleh.

From my own research I have tested and want more of these badass hard drives.
Samsung 990 pro nvme SSDs at 4tb also I’d like to see a way to stack nvme ssds if you have any suggestions / array solution.

Since they’re like ram sticks. I’ve not seen what solutions are made.

I got call of Duty with a 3090 i9 and this being the upgrade from 120 fps (normal Dell SSD) to 230fps (max) with that singular upgrade

Ooo also I finally went direct from modem to firewall for my household… And everyone has begun using my Open sense firewall and everything goes through my server now… I think

Is this a router or a firewall issue?

I feel I’m at fault haha

Trying to get everyone on the same team playing and this keeps popping up. Able to play online but not join the same team is some weird new bug for me lol

I just gave both PCs static ips to try and resolve. Running a test to confirm.

Lan party + internet lol

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You can enable UPnP on your router, but manually setting up port forwarding is a bit safer. Usually setting up port forwarding on your router is enough, but you may need to create rules in your firewall if you keep having issues. Avoid using common ports, and close when not using. Since you assigned static IP’s, it’s easy to open/close with just the port number. Port forwarding with a VPN would be the safest option.


I setup static ips and they’re able to join games together now and kill randoms online. The issue still exists with nat type but I at least resolved the party concerns. GTA V and sesh

Definitely ready for my 2-5gbps upgrade lol

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Static IP is only part of it, you still need to create a port forwarding rule on your router to ensure the packets are delivered to the correct port. Your firewall is likely blocking ports and redirecting the packets.

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