Lineage bluhm washer

Yo dudes and dudettes.

I ran into a company called Lineage at Bizcon. They had a washer that they called the Bluhm, kinda similar to the osprey, but it uses belts on the outside to turn the cylinder and create a vortex, rather than an impeller on the inside, which they claim harms those precious heads.
Also uses flat screens that the water passes through, as opposed to bags, before the water is collected and recirculated. the screens slide in and out easily. seemed like a pretty neat concept. looked a little easier to handle/deal with than all those bags.

anyone ever seen this thing in action? anyone know someone who is running one? they are outta Canada and I had never even heard of them before. Trying to decide between their set up or the low-temp set up.


first I’m seeing this.

This is an interesting setup, i like the bagless approach. Also curious if anyone has seen them in action.

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Yeah I kinda like that idea as well. the dude at the booth was definitely a head… he knew his shit.

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Wouldnt take that thing into my lab if they paid me, good luck getting the hash off those trays. The shear rating by moving that entire cylinder is gonna be insane.

I got a chance to talk with them about their unit and here are my take aways:

  • Ergonomic design for the entire unit, really considering the physical labor of the extractor team

  • Allows up to seven individual micron screens to be used in the tray inserts just above the collection vessel (recommended to have clean screens to use and swap in and out as needed for little to no time down on the unit between runs)

  • Recirculating pump, pressurized water sprayer, and other key features integrated into the seimens electronic unit make for desirable auto settings and your unique preferences

  • The team was consisting of a fabricator (all done in house in Canada), welder, and a hash washing expert from what i was told. Overall im really impressed but would love to hear from anyone who has an existing unit. My concern is about the weight of the micron screens as they are all metal, fairly heavy, and would be a pain to flip in theory (but who knows). Overall seems like a great priced option for the automation they’re offering.

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More pictures that follow the earlier post


why would it be any harder to get hash off these screens vs. bags…?

and the dumpable drum would sure beat the hell out of scooping the biomass out. of course there’s a risk of shear, but you could say that about pretty much anything that’s made of stainless and has moveable parts.

seems like a lot of hate for never running their machine before lol.

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I can confirm this. I talked to these guys yesterday. Saw their shop where they fab em. CEO is definitely a hash maker. He’s run trash cans, bubble magics, the osprey, etc. he knows his shit.
The only main differences I noticed between this and the osprey were that this uses a belt on the outside of the drum to spin it, instead of an impeller/propeller/overhead mixer, it has aa dumpable drum and uses the screens instead of bags… and there is no jacketed model.

They have studies on ruptured head % vs. other washers, burn rates on the full melt from this machine… They sound pretty legit to me. Or at least they play the part well.

They invited me up there to do a couple runs in a licensed facility that runs their machine (the only one in the legal market so far, it’s a very new machine). He said they have 6-7 in the traditional market. if I make it up there, I’ll let y’all know how it goes!


This seems like a glorified washing machine with drain rerouted to some converted baking pans as “screens”.

Rotating the entire machine itself seems dangerous, seems like it would create heat, seems like it would lead to quite the loss of yield…and we haven’t even gotten to the screens yet.

That silk like material will not be fun to clean, or collect from,and especially if there is any heat being generated from the machine spinning above it. Looks like a great place for heat to be trapped. Oh and I’m sure that you will have to purchase THERE specific filters, or cut up some washing bags lol.

Oh and removing of spent material looks like hell, especially if that top part doesn’t come off for more access. That dude semi struggled with it being empty, let’s get some wet biomass in there and see what happens.

The stairs are pretty cool.


The inner blades up the side remind me more of a concrete mixer


…which would clearly work if one wanted to go that route

(Hey wait, don’t they make really BIG concrete mixers?)

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Chlorophyll maseraters are what they call em nowdays with all these wooks driving ‘em at job sites


You’d have to have two sets of all of them. One set for being used and one set drying after an isopropyl wash after just being used.

Other than that I think all metal screens might be a hassle. Also what kind of metal? There’s always a chance of leeching when it comes to metal but who are we kidding, nylon too.


yeah, we’ll see what’s up with the screens whenever I get a demo. I agree they could be a nightmare, but I also think it’s possible they end up being easier to work with than bags. I mean let’s be honest, bags are kinda a pain in the ass. always have been. I’m hopeful these could be a better solution. yet to be seen though.

enough to heat up THAT much ice water even a degree though?

agreed. they said it was CIP but idk how effective that will be. looks like that cleaning those could be a pain. bags have the edge in that department… much easier to clean

If this is from inside the wash vessel, and the picture depicts it accurately, that’s a terrible design for delicate washing processes.


yeah those blade lookin things have me a little skeptical too.

if the osprey’s impeller with no blades/paddles is rough on the heads, like these guys say, I couldn’t imagine these things are much easier on em.