Lets set D8 straight

What speed? Curious how the design of the rotor differs

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2680 rpm hold I’ll get a drawing of rotor


Will do my friend

On a 80L reactor I have one of these on a 22 mm shaft and the diameter is 90 mm


With 1% pTSA?

mains looking tight


Can you please run these two sop S for the community to have an indication of the by products produced When dooing so
And give us a as complete as possible report of your findings

ILLNYE_CBD-D8_MasterSOP_ReactorMethod.v1.docx (119.4 KB)

Then rinse out acid with water washes and ph swings as described in @iLLnyeTheShatterGuy master sop

I know guy s it s a shitty looking sop but sure those known in the art get what to do


I am amazed purely by looks. I keep hesitating about ordering a liter but wow when you get something tested and clean. I am currently looking for a proper conversion and this is the place.

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1.5% ptsa


From what I’ve seen hexane produces the least amount of side reactions and im guessing this has something to do with its BP as a solvent

Pentane would he a fun one to try I think because it’s BP is even lower then hexane

Toluene produces more side reactions then heptane, highest yield I’ve seen from isolate using toluene was 90%, heptane 95, and hexane 99.1 (which is why I’m thinking pentane might be a fun experiment)

I still think with good vacuum and proper distillation you can seperate out olivetol, I reduced some in a run of mine by 80% and this was before this whole olivetol thing even started (I was also on an spd, im confident on a wiper with a diff pump I can get better vacuum and better results and possibly full seperation)


I think it has more to do with water content of solvent hexane has the lowest content pre dryied

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I dont think water will cause olivetol formation

I think the uncontrollable exothermic reaction causes the ring to split instead of close if too much heat is used

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Someone showed that they could remove 85% with an SPD on here, can’t remember who. I agree that with a wiper you could prolly do better.

IMO chromatography and distillation is the way to go. They’re both typical purification steps and you could basically validate that method one time and then rinse repeat w certainty that your unknowns are gone (including Olivetol)


I agree that mentioned steps are gooing to give the cleanest end product
But I am sure they will not be implemented by most
Treuth most I know don t even distill they yust purge of solvent and send off to consumer :worried:


I’m at:
197.6C BF
183.3C head
135.0C condenser
17um vacuum


Looking good :sunglasses:

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Hope to see some results on this, it looks great!


I’ve been compiling runs with different rxn/solvents and spd run parameters and am sending them all off to kca or whomever can give detailed analysis on what or what’s not in them. Really hoping to nail down what works best for me and my lack of understanding.
Can’t wait to share these with you all.


finished this run up. Looks okay. Some minor streaks/clouding. No smell at all.


@Miles-Beyond happy to run them all on HPLC and GC-MS/MS.