Leaked Document Shows How Legal Weed Could Go Horribly Wrong

I wasn’t aware of the United States Cannabis Council (USCC) and the effect that it may have on US cannabis nationwide. Despite the clickbait title, I can see this being legit especially considering lobbying groups like MCMCA in Michigan.


I don’t work with this group. There was an opportunity and I turned away from it.

A lot of the smaller trade organizations all came together under this umbrella. And many organizations also agreed to support them even while staying separate.

This kind of conversation happens ALL THE TIME. Trying to leave space for everyone is a big part of what NCIA is working towards. Will it work? Maybe. Are we busting our asses to come up with common sense legislation that allows megaliths and craft organizations to coexist? While simultaneously working to allow all people to grow their own and figuring out how to make things sustainable AND trying desperately to figure out reparations for those impacted by the insanity of the war on drugs.

Things could go horribly wrong. Look at the fallout of legalization on the hemp side - regulation can completely destroy innovation and make things so expensive that entrepreneurs look the other way.

The group in this article is funded by the same group that is funding the MCMA her in Michigan. Those companies fund activities like this around the world, not just in the US. There are some even larger organizations (I’m thinking Reynolds - Phillip Morris) who spend more in a month than this group has spent in the last 2 years.

Nothing comes for free in America - we’ll have to fight tooth and nail to retain any ability to work with this plant. And that’s what I’m doing - I dedicate all my volunteer hours to this at a state level now that I’m in Michigan and at the national level.

I think more of us need to be a part of this conversation - cause if not, they will be the only ones writing these new rules. :frowning:


I have 72 plants. My wife has 24. It’s been my livelihood for the last 8 years. Now, they want to take me down to 24 plants, require licensing and testing, which is onerous bureaucracy in my life. I already do testing affordably for safety without the cost of extra oversight. It’s punitive so the government can grab more tax money. If this is the kind of legislation my hard work and time goes towards, I am absolutely against it. I don’t need the government telling me how to run my farm with a micro license.




The economy looks to be crashing soon and I were a betting man the combination of over regulation and lack of financial inventive will just make anyone with skill do what they have always done.

Black market.


The $1000 indoor pounds at the swap meet that didn’t look bad were eye opening yesterday. Nobody had indoor for over $1800 a unit. I’m ready for creating the “traditional market” to keep prices high for the folks still shucking and jiving with cultivation.

If it becomes a mess like the article talks about (like what has already happened in Cali), my plan B is selling zaza seeds, software development for MSOs and fertilizer formulation. It wasn’t the miners in the gold rush that got rich, it was the people selling the shovels.


Do both

Sell the shovels and use the shovels you make to find the gold

You’ll be making the shovels yourself so you’ll have a steady supply of cheap shovels

Any that break can be used to make more!


Fuck federal legalization.

Really any legalization for that matter.

If it’s not a free market I don’t want it…



Legalization has ruined cannabis

The popularization and normalization of it has made it worse too

Remind me to like that post when i have more likes


One of my coworkers used to work for Philip Morris and said “they will forceably take the Cannabis industry by storm because they’ve been waiting for this to happen federally”. Essentially they have already built out for this time and plan on trying to control and steer the industry into their pockets.


Of course.

Oil economies boil down too who has the biggest capacity to produce and to sell. We are hitting that pivotal point.

All the pioneers paved the way for a guy to grab all the information and most importantly what not to do.

I use to see a wave for legalization I just don’t anymore. People will just grow this in their backyard.



They have been buying all the tomato farms in the SE and when it goes legal and this is a quote. “Tomatoes are in the ditches”.


So big companies not at all involved in cannabis are preparing to get involved to push us smaller people out which creates a black market for them to compete against

I feel like this has happened before, multiple times

Not just with drugs

Oh its funny how history repeats itself


Then after a few years a new cycle will come which will be the microgrows that have quality.


They treat cannabis as a fucking tomato


We are royally fucked


They have very similar cycles and practices at scale. “Tomato, tamato” :man_shrugging:


When we finished building out the lab here in Virginia, one of the first calls I had was from a dude from Altria. He asked for a tour… told him nicely to GFY.


They are already all over the place.

I’ve met guys who own labs and farms that have back door shell companies to all these guys. I have always asked about it too and they always flip out snd get speechless.

I do my research on people

It’s inevitable. It will be literally quality of quantity.


To them its that

To us its medicine and unique. Not at all similar to any food crop… this is gonna fuck up future genetics and crops will be just pumped full of chemicals… its going to be the new cigarette

I called this in high school when talking to a friend. We both knew this is the route cannabis was going down

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It’s almost like living an episode of Stranger Things…the white vans pull up to “take a tour” with cameras in hand no less

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Fucking disgusting

Tell him kick rocks or I’m kicking rocks at his new car