Leaked Document Shows How Legal Weed Could Go Horribly Wrong

With cocaine eyes…they are your dear friends

I started reading 1984

Pretty soon we are going to be in that world

Drugs and food will be controlled by the same people/corporations, government will be dictated by corporations and people far more powerful then our leaders/politicians

Its all to control us so only the same corporations can make money


It’s really a confirmation for me to work harder and kick more ass.



Now i want to work extra hard to piss off corporate douche bags and fed goy’s

I love pissing the higher ups off

We already live in that world. We have the illusion of choice.


Look at who owns those companies

Blackrock and Vanguard

Follow the money…

I did that and was not surprised at all

General Mills, P&G, Kellogs, Nestle, Kraft, Coke, Pepsi, etc.

All owned by the same 2 corporations plus 2-3 other “smaller” ones


Truth was shared ^^^

We have gotten calls from Bayer Monsanto for a study to make glyphosate more effective. We have gotten calls from soft drink makers who want what we make, but don’t want to pay market value for a product that is drastically different than anything on the market. We gave a high ball price to the soft drink makers. I told Bayer that their values don’t align with ours as a company.


You my brother are true. Fuck those bastards.

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I would’ve laughed and hung up

wanna meet my sales rep??

Sure! We would love to!

putts ass next the phone and puts on a Jim Carrey impression
“You can eat my shorts Mr. Cigarette man”


Blackrock and vanguard do something that’s called “circular ownership” where it’s a group that owns both and they shift control around and pretend to be competition.


They both own each other

Vanguard will own Blackrock, then vice versa

It all flip flops

I wonder why…

Normal person: oh im sure its nothing BAD AT ALL


Also avoiding monopolies yet controlling them at the same time

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They then tell the media companies they own to push a narrative they want us to hear, i.e. the monopoly one

When tech groups were being talked about being broken up that was a distraction from the fact they’re all owned by THE SAME PEOPLE

This has been going on for centuries and its just now starting to get unraveled because their plans are working

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it’s a conspiracy man


Beer companies do that all the time with brands. When brands get bought out like Goose Island and ABI, competing distributors are required to compensate for the acquisition, either with an equitable brand or cash to prevent a monopoly.


Filmore was right!!!

That hippie bastard was right!!!

He was fucking right!!

I remember he said a quote about oil companies pushing these alternatives to make more money off oil

Cause these alternatives are the same damn thing as fossil fuels

Just a few extra steps

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Well it was always in control by them until the USA became a thing. It shook foundations and sent it back 100 years.

They just regained control.

I mean hemp was one of the causes of the revolutionary war and nobody knows that.


Washington had hemp fields yea

Dude firmly believed in hemp

Thats when the US was truly independent


Buddy of mine actually was in charge of growing hemp at Mt.Vernon. I must admit I’m jealous as fuck I wasn’t able to do that