Laid Off from work today.... Sad news

I got laid off from work today, I used to be a software engineer for a big firm. Now I’m unemployed.
I felt it coming but didn’t think it would be a reality. I don’t think god wants me to work for a company, this is my second layoff in 3 years like what. I’m only 26


Learn to code was a meme.

Most tech jobs will be replaced by AI in the next few years, hell most STEM jobs will probably be replaced by AI in the next decade.

Kinda bleak outlook tbh!

Best of luck with the job hunt! Might be a sign to figure out a hustle where you aren’t beholden to a company!


Once again, get in touch with your local laborer’s union hall. If you treat it right, you’ll be working a good career way longer than 90% of people in the cannabis industry rn.


Dr Loudmouth

All this dude does is yap yap yap about ideas and this and that yo I’m gonna do this and that whats an idea for this and that.

I want to see closure on ANY of the ideas talked about on this forum for the last what 2 years?

Don’t get stuck in the cycle of yapping about ideas for all eternity. Some psychopath once told me that “time and money will not participate in the false reality you convince yourself of.” LETS SEE SOME RESULTS



Thank you for your feedback, but the results you sought from me have already been made.

This forum is all about Ideation anyways.

I love the name btw, and yes, I am the loudest.

follow my youtube since you’re so glued to what I’m doing.


I got you covered on the thumbnail.

Sincerely though- best of luck. Hope you find something.


We can’t even implement automation well in many industries, I think it’ll be a long time before AI replaces engineers, project managers, etc.

Planners on the other hand… AI is perfectly suited to do that job.


I am so sorry for this jolt to your stability. It is upsetting and, for me, even when it is not about my performance at all, I still feel it personally. I pray that God will use this for good in your life, exceeding abundantly more than you could ask for or think of, and then provision and abundance are flowing to you in such a way that you have a testimony of God’s goodness. <3


there will always be the need for a human element; but if your a CAD designer, mathematician, accountant, programmer, artist etc etc then your job is absolutely at risk, even if AI replaces 20% (low estimate) of the available jobs thats 20% more people looking for jobs in a shrinking job market. open positions that are already saturated with applicants looking for work will be even more saturated with even more applicants. its going to be a vicious cycle.

its a very bleak outlook for low skill computer based positions, which is a solid portion of the workforce. I see the writing on the wall.



If you really think AI is going to end software development in just a few years, you’ve probably never written software professionally. Especially a legacy code base. Some of the ChatGPT responses I get to code prompts are laughable. About 50% of the time its just plain wrong. To get the most out of it, you need to understand how to code to begin with. If anything the AI tools will just help developers get even better and free them up from more mundane tasks.

Anytime there’s new technology you always have a trove of pessimists who scream the sky is falling and everyone will be out of a job in 2 years. When Ruby on Rails debuted people saw app scaffolding and said the same shit. With Wordpress people said it was the end of website development. It’s all nonsense.

If you’re a good software developer and have some years of experience you should have little problem finding a good job. I’ve noticed more recruiters reaching out to me, many of these jobs pay well over six figures and the perks beat the hell out of what any (real) lab could offer me. There are millions of software jobs open right now, many are remote. If you’re willing to work with non-sexy languages like COBOL the world is your oyster.

Or come to future4200 and complain, and tell yourself you’re going to be repla.

The choice is yours


Wasn’t watson supposed to cure cancer or some shit?


You’re a meme if you believe that


I got cut back in November, took the rest of the year off and then all of a sudden, everyone in tech got laid off. So now the market is saturated. I used to have to beat the tech recruiters off me and now I’m getting ghosted left and right

It’s pretty rough out there now - at least for the remote jobs


Anyone with a degree and semiconductor experience or hydrogen/automotive/EV experience should hit me up.


Tell me about it, sounds like he lacked enough discipline to get good with coding.

Lmao “lacked discipline” right. I learned chemistry instead of coding and that shit is taking me further then y’all could ever imagine.

Imagine getting a degree to only work in some cubicle farm beholden to some gluttonous tech company for 100k a year! Sounds great right? Great untill your replaced. The difference between me and people like that is I will never settle for mediocrity.

If I learned to code I’d be making apps and shit, not working for some scumbag corporation where life and man hours are cheap. It’s good to have an entrepreneurial spirit, not everyone does.

We will see how this thread ages in a few years :joy:


I think if you’re not proficient in some sorta coding in the next 15 years. You’re gonna be left behind in technology.

Technology isnt getting any less complicated, and computers can’t code themselves. Just about everything runs on some sorta microprocessor that needs coding along the line.

I’m super happy I have a coding background. I thought chemistry would have been a cool degree to obtain while working in cannabis but I’ll leave those to people that like science.


Every market is saturated. When I was a chemist, and I did it for almost a decade, it was super competitive as well. Was a chemist in a few different industries and it was the same. And in the more established industries like biopharma, your academic credentials carry way more weight. So if you don’t have a PhD or Masters at least you’ll hit the ceiling fast. So many chemists settle into management or stick in qc/method development. And chemists get laid off too and by numbers alone the number of chemist jobs will continue to grow at a slow rate. So its kinda hard to find a good chemist job.

I dislike academia so a big draw to software for me is that the bar for entry is actually quite low compared to industries with professional standards like (real) engineers. Or Law. Or Medicine. But software can easily surpass those in terms of pay and you can get in without years of formal study. But it is tough as you know.

Have you considered switching up your tech stack? Seems like anything serverside or database related or devops there’s tons of demand. Especially if you know AWS related services. For frontend javascript or mobile dev seems to be a lot more younger people competing for those jobs so yea its going to be hard to get in. But the right skill’s definitely will attract attention.

There’s so many tech jobs outside of big tech. I personally prefer smaller companies that are totally remote. I haven’t stepped into a office in over a year. Can literally work from wherever I want. The beach, coffee shop, doesn’t matter. Beats the hell out of a windowless lab


It’s good to have a job period lol. No need to get on a high horse and think you’re above anything dood.

You’re not special, just like the rest of us.

You’re entire spiel is condescending


I take it you are not an AI researcher