Labs Stripping Cannabinoids during Remediation?

So I have recently needed some remediation for my distillate, and I have gotten in contact with a company called Heart the Hemp. He then contracted me with a company called ARSNL to remove THC. When I sent in my distillate I had high concentrations of CBG roughly 1.5% and fair concentrations other cannabinoids. When I received the remediated distillate I had 0.01% CBG… and almost all other cannabinoids were N/D I know the company uses liquid chromatography, so I am wondering what happened to the rest of my cannabinoids?. Has anyone else experienced a significant loss of their cannabinoid profiles from either of these two companies? Please share.


Looks like the “remediator” knows the value of CBG :pensive::pensive:. Sorry this happened to you, I would be very angry at the lab.


You should have cbg in there, it’s one of the first to come out after thc so it can be saved I’ve been told. Sounds like they took it and kept it.


You know, you have to realize the margin of error for a lot of these cannabinoid analysis labs is +/-3%. I’ve taken mother liquor while isolating, at different hours of being in the freezer. The first mother liquor tested at 2% cbg, and then the 2nd and 3rd mother liquors tested at .5% and then was non detectable. Even though, the cbg content should absolutely INCREASE as the cbd concentration decreases. Basically what I’m saying is that when the content is so low, its very difficult to get an accurate % of the minor cannabinoids.

However, there is a good chance they just took the CBG that was in there and any other minor cannabinoids.

Also its technically federally illegal to transfer any hot THC product to anyone else, FYI.


“the cbg content should absolutely INCREASE as the cbd concentration decreases.”

Thats exactly what I thought, because you are increasing the concentration…


Not sure who you are, but we extract d9 from the mother and return everything else to the mix. Because of the volume that we process, we do not specifically fraction off the minor cannabinoids unless requested as that slows down the process dramatically. Nobody in this lab is siphoning off your minors. Give me the batch number and I will pull the before & after processing test results.


It’s known in the CBD space that THC remediation = loss of minors.

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unless the minors are getting eluted with the THC, or sticking to the chroma media, this shouldn’t be the case. Compounds don’t just disappear into thin air.

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Actually that’s how distillation works. :man_facepalming:

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While you’re not really adding anything, by subtracting the CBD from the mix, the ratios of the other cannabinoids will increase. But if you’re staying at same volume, the increase will be pretty negligible, but they SHOULDN’T go down at least, is what I should’ve said. In my case at least, this points to less than accurate analysis.

Complete loss of minors?

Cannabinoids just disappear during distillation you say? LMAO. Again, nothing just “disappears”

Maybe its converted/isomerized, degraded, stays in dregs or goes in heads, possibly in the cold trap, but NOTHING just disappears.

In distillation, I see the above possibilities much more likely. In a chromatography system, you’re typically not subjecting it to heat, , or crazy pH swings, so any of these processes become much less likely. Possibly you’re degrading it by exposing it to solvent and time, but again, I see that as unlikely.

You might want to read up on the very basic law of conservation of mass/energy.

I’d also probably side with ARSNLabs. The time/cost efficiency is going to go way down isolating minors, so likelihood of lab stealing minors is also kinda low. But ya never know, theres some shady folks out there and maybe they thought you wouldn’t notice or care.

I’d still say analysis is the biggest factor here.

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I have tried calling, I hope to hear back soon. Just looking for answers.

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877-863-7700 ask for Will

If kingofthekush is right, it mighta got lost to the THC fraction, or analysis is just not dependable at such low % are the most likely explanations. Next time, be clear about conserving minor cannabinoids. And run multiple tests for a better idea of actual %

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Thanks I have been waiting for a week for answers. And I have already called and asked for Will and left a message.

I was ensured that the cannabinoid minors and profile would stay intact.


Just talked to the guy who brought the job in … now I remember. What you have neglected to share with the forum is the fact that you packaged the incoming material so poorly that 4 liters of your distillate was lost due to leakage during shipping and we were asked to mix in the tails that you sent along with it to make up the volume. You are asking me to return something that never reached us. Please do not call my integrity into question …


The distillate wasn’t packaged poorly. It was taped shut and the lid was closed tightly I hammered it down and sealed it myself. Also if you read the bucket that you decided to post it says, “Tails Run SPD” on it. Meaning the distillate that you ran was the distillate not the tails. But this still doesn’t explain a significant loss in cannabinoids which you and “your guy” still have neglected to explain exactly why. Some of the cannabinoids are at a total loss. Your right, maybe all of the CBG’s fell out of the bucket. Again where did all of the cannabinoids go?


I think @Future should take a peek at this thread.