Lab Explosion/Fire in KY Last Week

FE involves far more than undergrad knowledge.
Glad you think you know what you’re talking about.
It has a 54% average pass rate, you think that’s very high?

Lmk when you get your PE :joy:

Does pissing off most of the people here bring you joy? I bet you a whole dollar that you do not act this way in person. Why put on this keyboard warrior facade?


I speak the way I do on here because most of the vocal users on this forum are so overly poured into their own egos they should be put in check when they are incorrect.

And that single thread is the reason why you swing your dick around here? That’s bullshit and you know it. It’s funny how you’re so concerned with peoples “ego” but Future really did hit the nail on the head. Snag yourself a mirror, big dog.


It really isn’t a difficult test man. Idk what to tell you, I hope you didn’t struggle too much with the energy balance around a heat exchanger and law of sines.


It is if you went to a shit engineering school or didn’t really pay attention in your classes.


Thread to thread I keep stepping in poop.

We would kick our 3 years ago selves for the things we did. 20 years ago, I’d probably shoot at myself for some of the crap I pulled.

This is a tragedy that real life affects some folks that are now under insured, dealing with an at fault incident, potentially firing an employee and all I can read out of the last posts are dick swinging and degree dropping. Lets pull out the bank statements and the god(s) you believe in next for the quadfecta.

Saftey. We all practice it, we can all get better. We can all train better and we can all make good suggestions to actually help prevent the loss of a contributing member and/or business. I, personally, have learned more on safety from other peoples accidents and wisdom from their mistakes than I care to admit.

Start helping, stop pointing fingers. Its completely unbecoming to know every gd thing in the world and then tell all of us that you already know. I don’t know anything and would love to learn, so start typing out things that are helpful in advance…that way you have a reference point to say I told you so, instead of just saying I already knew that.


Thanks for your thoughtful post. I think it’s time to have a fire drill and training. If every lab we can touch has a safety training, we might save a business or reverb a life. Can we get some energy around that?


I sure hope so. Part of the training is not to tell people what to do, but form a muscle memory for when shtf. If you panic (most people do) then hopefully the training takes over and you just move in the way that you were trained and not in the way you are thinking.

We don’t train enough at our facility, but every time I see these lab explosions, we train more often until complacency shows back up again.


We had our bi-monthly training meeting last week. I stressed to our staff the importance of the buddy system. We assigned teams of two with the sole idea of watching each other’s steps and back. Two sets of eyes on each process and protocol if something gets out of hand. No ear buds, no phones, no lighters in pockets, no vapes, no loud music. Cleaning rags and products are moved outdoors after each shift. Cleanliness of exits and floors so evacuation is quick and efficient. Bottom line: we all want to go home safely each and every day.


Do you have safety manual experts you’d care to share? I’ll bet some people don’t know where to begin.


Do you have any documentation to share?


We are putting the proper procedures from our cGMP process. As soon as they are done, I had planned on tossing all of it out there. I found my way into this project and was not the “right” candidate for the job, but I’m managing. I would love for any and all to not to have to dig through all of this mess and be safer in the process. Turns out, you can only die once and I’ve been putting it off for a while now.


I love that. We have had to go to the buddy system for cGMP’s. Working alone is only allowed on some outdoor activities.

Daily Cleaning Log is still the hardest to standardize. We add more to the daily cleaning log than I care to admit. It has made more of a difference than anything else. Workers have gotten excited about the cleaning side of the facility.

Do you guys have lockers for personal effects? We put in a camera next to our lockers that shows if/when employees empty their pockets. The other camera that helps is the one that sits over the hand washing sink. The biggest indicator that it is working is the refilling of hand soap has gone from every two weeks to once a week.


I put it together myself. I have all documents printed and in a folder for each employee
Also included is the SDS sheets for each and every solvent and chemical we have on site.
When we finished we had each employee sign the document.
I’ll get some things together and post them when I get a few mins.


Thanks. We do have lockers in the entrance to the middle bay. We have a 33k Sq ft facility and they only enter the work areas via this point. It’s kind of a chokepoint and we can monitor of needed. Cameras everywhere.
Safety safety safety.

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Let’s do level up together!

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Love you Cat.

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Right back at you!

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well spoken. not a very surprising fact though if even reading apparently is such a tough task for those who consider themselves professionals

quite the opposite is true, without QMS you’re constantly at risk of producing trash, and this “industry” is a textbook example of that.

there’s just no amount of hubris and cognitive dissonance a fat blunt can’t push away, eh?