Lab bust in spain

Sadly some members got busted

No cleu how the fuck meth got involved


Officer that’s just thca


I think I figured it out


We’re they adding converted THC to kief to make ‘hash’?


Looks like it
Since triisobutylaluminium is shown as reagent and kief/pollen by the barrel
It s one of the few ways one can sell distillate by the numbers
The vaping market is still fairly small and without some sticky shit there is no way one can make decent looking hasj


Yeah I think that involving hard drugs in your lab is a bad idea and your asking for more attention than you wish


Maybe the Spanish cannabis scene is just like the American cannabis scene. One day you will make it to MJBizCon and realize it’s more like methbizcon or cokebizcon.

No clue really. :rofl::joy::rofl:


At the same time let this be a warning to all consultants
Especialy in Europe
It s not legal anywhere to produce thc
And is worse when the lab you consult
Makes METH

@DrWHY420 remark of wearing gloves
Makes more sense in this context :upside_down_face:


Nah bro, its “cGMP” the fda said it was legal


Not in America. It’s another way of diversifying


It’s also giving a bad name for people who harvest their own personal crops and do this for medicine.

It’s really fucked up to add a stigma.

I mean if you’re making meth you should just move on to making lsd not thca. Seems like a major step backwards making thca and instead of lsd when you have experience making meth

World needs more lsd. :octopus::v:t2:

I do not condone the action of making lsd or meth and I do not make anything of the sort you are loved and stay safe.


It’s entirely possible to make a fingerprint match between a print they have and just a photo of one of your fingers.


Holy cow

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Mythbusters did an episode and left out the step of how to reverse it.

oh no way, drug manufacturing equipment people ON DRUGS

They probably have to get ketamine infusions to handle the stress of chasing those investor/buyers.

But meth and pot should not be ya know :point_right::ok_hand:.

At minimum make it a different department in your company.


I condone it
 call me
 for the first one
 im already high strung enough as is.

No thank you. I’m not experienced in anything it takes to make LSD and like everyone knows who’s read into the process it’s a commitment from A to fucking Z you’re not leaving that area and you’re taking a risk to your life, sanity and freedom by attempting such a feat.

I’m only good at making dabs and water hash. I’m not even experienced in rosin and I don’t have any experience with nitrogen or a crc.

By definition I’m a little better than a larper because a larper is only interested in doing and not learning and figuring out what’s safe and doing what’s in your abilities.

I’m confident in myself that I can pull off making more than just variations of hash but only if I were properly taught and had more than just enough knowledge to make variations of hash and actual chemistry, physics and biology as well as more knowledge with arithmetics.

I’m never in my life going to attempt making LSD but dammit I think everyone who’s ever touched a beaker wants to.


Any fool can do it nowadays the Japanese produce and the chineese distribute with a sop a ergo-ester that with a few steps can make you in a days work 1kg in 230gr out
There is still almost 400gr caught in the waste but most I know yust trash it for it will need chroma and additional steps to liberate
Prices are dropping by the week I am at 1600/gr at the moment on wholesale
So another market wrecked


So why tf isn’t there unadulterated LSD flooding the US instead of fucking Fentanyl !!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :octopus::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

More people need to start the heavy circulation of LSD instead of opoids. Fuck it all man. Let the nation trip.!!!


Man I would wish any other drug for mankind than opioids
It s quiete scary To be in Eu and yust waiting for it to become dope of the masses
I had the same fear at the time that meth ravaged the USA and somehow it didn’t happen
But with fentanyl becoming a famous drug in Afrika and plenty of cooks available in the EU I am not so sure
This time
Report that came out today is already speculating it s a growing isseu
oefff who knows