Lab bust in spain

The stark difference between your two responses is great. :rofl::rofl::rofl::pinched_fingers::pinched_fingers::pinched_fingers:


I already figured most standard markets in this area would be contentious, people WANT to do it, and if they can they will.

For gods sake people were stripping elements out of power pole transformers to make meth.

And with the scale of pharma precursor production, I don’t see a time in the forseeable future these substances will be “hard” to come by.

Might be a long shot, but maybe the lab manufacturing drugs got involved in mfg drugs?

gl to them

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Last time i picked up a g it was $4k usd but thats been 30 years ago


Autism is fun :melting_face:

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Oh yeah, blame the next psychiatric trend on your social fopaux.


But I get ya, I have my own flavor.

However my stance doesnt change. call me if ya do just fall into manufacturing quantities. Ya know OOOPS.

Tbh, I think a lot of things could be different and the tik-tok generation needing to be trendy with mental health and developmental disorders could be different and they could like just not think that being fucked up in the brain is fun and sparkly when in reality it’s a daily fucking struggle.

Autism being a trend makes my fucking stomach turn because man if people really fucking knew!!! They wouldn’t think that it’s all interests and eccentricities; they’d know what it comes with.

Yeah if you’re fucking lucky you’ll get none of the co morbitites but the fact of the matter is you’ll live in a strange society and you’ll feel like an outsider your whole life. …


Nahhhh I’d probably have a heart attack from the stress or die from fucking up.

Making LSD has always seemed like a task that should be left to the more intelligent and the ones who get off on that kind of a risk and are willing to take that risk.

I’m not willing to take that risk.

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I wouldnt be able to handle the bullshit either. My life as mundane and thats enough to keep up with.

You summed up the experience of non-nuerotypical people very well.

All jokes aside.

Spain lab bust is crazy, avoid methed up canna consults.

Only do the cool drugs kids.

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Cannabis, Hash, Dabs, Thca crystals

MDMA/Molly Crystals, LSD, DMT, Psilocybin and Peyote

Only things anyone should ever do or try is those

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thius is for other alkoloids tho correct? that trash is everywhwre arounfd the west coast…ariund tgese parts you can get grams of LA extreacted from ET ready to go for arotnd 3k a gram and 2 batches of Beautiful raw xtal going around some slightly clear with a silverish hue and then somw nice white translucent material. it wholesales =betweeen 7 and 9 dollhairs a mg so do the math. legit as it comnes get cocky and do to much and you will be looking thru yerself in 4d

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I kind of agree, opiates have their place in clinical pain management.

I would also suggest you try the others in the amphetamine family MDA, MDE are good substitutes for MDMA, and dont have the same after effects, but still effectatious.

DMT is an interesting tryptamine but not the only interesting one either.

5meo-MIPT is interesting for sure.


5-MeO-DMT was pretty great ngl.

MIPT does for sensory experience, what DMT does for the visual experience.


Retracted because that’s a death plant not a psychoactive plant. :man_facepalming:t2:

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They call it Foxy methoxy for a reason


I thought that looked familiar when I read it yeah foxy was different and back in 2010 it was super easy to get and there was someone down my street where I lived at the time just basically giving it away at 10/gram because they were buying so much of it.

Fucking crazy people.

Same people were just buying dmt and any form of it and selling it as actual dmt.

They kept telling me different names and all I could think was “dmt is dmt this one just does different things.” like a dumbass comparing it to strains of weed…