Lab builder looking for work

Valuing yourself to be fed at first is acceptable. But you gotta raise your rates with time.


Houston area. Always happy to chat. Back from Vegas Monday and I’ll hit you up. Thanks for the heads up @moveweight.


Example quote for a 6ft fume hood and ductwork

Base cabinets
Resin top
Fume Hood
Hvac exhaust ductwork to be provided by installer and tied into existing ductwork with manual dampers.
No speciality tubing or gasses required.

Client provides
Fume hood
Tops and cabinets

14 day install at $7500 “I suck at pricing”
But I have a few contacts who could always help me with pricing…


I’d just like to add my support to this sort of interaction around here.

Thanks @moveweight, and everyone else who has jumped in already.


Thank you too…


You have to account for bisness over head ect: office rent, insurances, vehicle’s. Just adding up 500 a day will never keep you in bisness. Your going to have to learn to use spreadsheets. Input your costs and have your multiplier to calculate job costs.


See that’s a bid for me and 1 other worker… I have never had to account for any of that

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Works out to about 33 dollars an hour for 8 hour days per man. Can be profitable until you have overhead to worry about. I charge 35 per hour for laborers and 75 an hour for supervisors.


See… the numbers is what I got to work out. Thats always been my problem…
I was offered to take over a lab company.when.i was in my 20s…
Largest clients national oil well varco… and trican… but I didn’t believe In myself to do it.

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Let’s help you on this quote.

Just think about expenses you’re missing.
Think about what you’re making an hour if it’s x amount of dollars over x amount of days + they pay for everything else.

As a new business you’re a sole proprietorship and that’s free. Look up QuickBooks Self Employed (app)

And you can start logging your mileage and purchases for write offs.

You can also use this tool to invoice your new customers and get paid.

If you have hooks on the equipment, try to get a kick back but not devalue what they’re purchasing.

If you’re hiring someone else bill labor hours x staff and have that be a small overage to account for anything your staff may need for the job (food to not leave to work site etc)

Are you building the cabinets? Or just installing?
Etc. Help build the value in the labor

Think about all this. I’ll build you a solution for getting quotes to customers fast so they visit the website fill out a form and you get the notification in an email to respond with quote/invoice and knowing you should call

You gotta just put all them photos into a folder (not the screenshots) and think of a company name. Set aside Couple hundred for a logo and some hats to be embroidered

Business cards are like $30 shipped.


I’m going to work on that… any the only reason they are screenshots… is Facebook won’t allow me to download certain photos I uploaded… I have worked for 3 different lab companies. I have seen their quotes… and even.know the owners personally.

The very last company I worked for was building fentanyl compound labs and we had a safety meeting about look and when he saw all my tattoos I was out the door the next day

And I have a few connections at Peak scientific and a few that build custom Fume hoods so finding the products and material is no problem just me trying to figure out the bid and getting everything right for me it’s been my problem

Really appreciate everyone’s help… I would love to see something get off the ground… and I know it’s possible and you guys are giving me the confidence I need.
That I have not have…

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Hotels aren’t cheap either. So make sure you account room and board.

Just make a list.


When you said minus traveling I I counted the hotel’s into that

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were you wearing the opposite cartel tattoo ?- JK Id feel worse making legal phentanyl labs than selling crack to babies. You are taking jobs from families in afghanistan that have no other options and all they are is farmers and workers. And coincidentally- phentanyl kills alot of people too. Those poppy farmers must be hurting, hash farmers too. Menwhile drug companies are getting richer than ever.

Believe it or.not they where a Christian company.

jesus was tatted up…

One of the supervisors came in with a new tattoo on his hand the same day as our momday meeting… and the owner said if he found out if anyone had tattoos that could not be covered up… “looking right at my tattoo on my neck” at the time… he said your gone… the day on my way to work I got a call… “don’t worry about coming in”

I complained of course… but he said the supervisor can cover his… and in our line of work it makes the customer worry …

I was the only one in that company that could pass a hair test through disa…