On the 30th of each month we will announce a “Member of the Month”
@Sidco_Cat is already the forum MOM! She doesn’t have to be voted in, she already is! Take it up with her if you dare…
The winner will be selected by poll, held here in this post.
Nomination for MoMs will be held in this thread from the 1st to the 15th of each month. The top members with the most nominations each month will be entered into the public poll from the 15th till the end of the month.
Nominations need to include the members @ and a summary for why they’ve been nominated.
Winners will receive a complementary Lifetime GLG membership, including Lab Coat, discounts, and invites to meetups.
I don’t know if I have perms to nominate. But if I do, I suggest nomination of @jakovsau5 for this thread A working list of byproducts formed during acid catalyzed CBD conversions
And subsequent discussion regarding.
Best attempt I’ve seen so far at trying to get the community to work together to better understand what unknowns might exist in d8.
Thank you. Still earning my cannabis extraction and science forum legs, so to speak. (Harder to do perhaps when one has no real part in the industry or field besides general knowledge of STEM topics and a personal interest)
They were nominated for this month in the thread to vote for last month. People were too eager to wait to nominate, so @Capttripppp just transferred em here. No auto transfer from last month’s nominations.
I literally went through the old post with a pen and paper and wrote everyone’s name down.
Started with Extractionguy nominating Tom, Pattypan, and Patsykilledtony. Then Stoopkid nominated Apothecary36, Multiple for PDXCanna, Milesbeyond nominated Akoyeh and Tokesandtinkery, Multiple for Boomtownfarms, DrWhy420 nominated Doobydanks.
Again, I just literally went through it post for post and transposed the names directly into this post along with the people who nominated them
And I nominate @TwistedStill again for just being a fucking righteous human! He’s always ready to help a Homie out, and speaks what he means and means what he speaks… That’s rare quality these days
“Nominations need to include the members @ and a summary for why they’ve been nominated.”
Pulled that from the original post, and that’s how I’ve kind of been doing it. Nominations are open for anyone, but there has to be a legit reason for the nomination.
I would say you @Capttripppp, for similar reasons you suggested @TwistedStill, I think the philosophy that we indulged in is soul food for people in the industry.
But getting me to pick a few is hard. @StoneD for starting his journey in helping others, and his honesty about his trials in the thread regarding detoxing with canna.
Really, anyone in that thread deserves merit, open honest conversations on the topic, how we feel things help, and where they fall short, and what we have learned from it, is such an integral part of the community, being honest with ourselves, and understanding others is incredibly important to community.
I’m indecisive I suppose, I honestly love the people who step up here. Fascinating and quarky as we are.
Let’s get it to someone without a lifetime GLG membership
Once we’ve tagged the “deserving” w the lifetime GLG then we may have to come up with another prize or alternate prize to pick from. Maybe one the big companies could give equal value in parts, gas, or media,…something like that
once again thank u so much this place has been a blessing to me already so much
StoneD, Thanks for inviting me into the nomination process. Sorry to advise that I really don’t have enough experience with the membership to offer good insight. I’ve had direct contact with only a handful of F4200 members.
That would have to be up to @Future and @sidco. You know those decisions have to be made higher up than someone like myself. I was just kind of under the impression that if someone was already a holder of a lifetime GLG membership, that they could just give it away to another deserving member that doesn’t have the funds to purchase 1 themselves.
However the bosses want it run, is how I would be more than happy to run it. So let’s see what they say and go from there!