Job Listings Thread 👨‍🔬

09/30/22 Update Highlights:

  • “The Herbal Center” is looking for a Lab Technician @ 20 - 25 /hr in Denver, CO.
  • (4) new listings in Massachusetts looking for Technicians
  • “Veda Scientific” is still looking for a Laboratory Technician @ 22 - 25 /hr in California.
  • (3) new listings in Oregon looking for Technicians

It’s interesting to note that the company Rock Bridge is looking to pay about $100k/year for lab directors in three different states right now. Mississippi, North Carolina and Utah.

North Carolina and Utah require degrees, Mississippi doesn’t.

Does anyone know anything about this company?


I saw those! Haven’t ever heard of those companies though

Reading through the job descriptions it looks like the Utah job is more geared toward running a CBD testing lab and requires a few years of HPLC experience and chem degree.

The North Carolina job mentions needing strong experience with CO2 extraction, so I’m not sure what they’re up to over there. I avoid any company still pursuing CO2. Also requires chem degree.

The Mississippi job talks about ethanol extraction. No degree requirements.


Those are all very old as well. Job listings are only good for 2-3 weeks after posting

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10/07/22 Update Highlights:

  • “CannaCraft” is looking for an Extraction Technician in CA @ 37k - 47k /yr
  • (2) new listings in Florida looking for Laboratory Technicians
  • “Canapa Valley Farms” is looking for Extraction Technicians all over MI @ 60k - 65k /yr

I wish the road to opening your own gig required experience. None of these license holders and owners have any clue what they’re doing because they’ve never done it.


Clue or not they have the license and the infrastructure required to do the thang.

They can learn the info, can the informed do what they did business wise?

I know tons of master growers with tents in the garage spending all day complaining about the state of the industry from 100 yards back from the sidelines.


This company has had several layoffs in the past and 37-47k in Northern California is an absolute joke of a salary for the area


Real tough to jump through the hoops to get a license/management position if you can’t hold down a 40hr job for an extended period of time.

Much easier to make noise on the internet


37K for Norcal lol.

That’s less than In and Out burger pays kids to work there. Even 47K is barely enough to get by.

One bedroom apartments around here (Santa Rosa area) go for 18-2400 a month.


Perhaps with upper level positions. Entry-level extraction positions commonly have starting pay of 17-18 /hr nowadays in Cali. Despite ridiculous costs of living, 37k a year is a 40h work week, at $18 an hr. Not saying there isnt room to grow if you’re able to provide value to the company, but expecting 50k+ year starting is a bit of a stretch. Imho, nobody is going to pay more to do a job people will gladly and proficiently perform at that rate. Cost of living often makes comfortably supporting oneself on such a wage damn near impossible, but welcome to California.


Automation seems better and better daily.

Unfortunately the Luna is the only option and I hate it.

10/14/22 Update Highlights:

  • (2) new listings in Washington looking for Technicians.
  • “Euphoria Wellness“ is looking for a Lab Manager @ 55k - 68k /yr in Nevada.
  • (2) new listings in California looking for Technicians.

Hello Weed Friends!

We have a open few listings:

President of Retail - New Mex (ABQ)
Marketing Mgr - CO
Compliance Manager - NM
Integration Project Manager - CO

Please shoot me a DM if you have any questions.

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Post Salaries or GTFO

I absolutely love trolling recruiters. Middling middlers with their grimy hands in both pockets and usually don’t understand the actual job requirements


President of Retail - New Mex (ABQ) $175-$200k + 30% bonus + $150k stock
Marketing Mgr - CO $65-$80K + bonus/benefits
Compliance Manager - NM $65-$80K + bonus/benefits
Integration Project Manager - CO $65-$80K + bonus/benefits

I appreciate your sentiment and understand your perspective and in most cases you are very correct.

This is actually my 2nd job, my first is head of cultivation at a licensed facility in Denver and I have also managed 2 hydrocarbon labs here in the state.

I listed the comp like you suggested, any other tips to make this as user/site friendly as possible? Thanks

We get our fees from the employer not the recruit, I feel like we offer a great service to both groups.


Bro why are you such a dick to someone offering jobs to the people here

Go fuck right off and same to the dumb fucks that liked your post.


Searching for some employees for a hydrocarbon lab in Adelanto. Need 2 immediately.

Job roles are to juggle extraction and post processing.

Running a Bizzy Bee with 8 columns.

Starting pay ($18-$22/hr)

We are expanding operations as we see fit, and if you can take on more roles responsibly pay raises with it.

Starting IMMEDIATELY, I need employees by next week.

First week we are familiarizing with the equipment on site. Doing some post process work with existing products on site. (Pentane REX, centrifuge seperation work, prepping samples for testing, etc…)

If you have METRC experience that’s a huge plus and we can immediately consider a bonus/hrly raise if you prove abilities to me/us.

I am the direct manager for this facility, you will be reporting to me and the extraction manager on site.

We are going to be expanding rapidly once we pass the 1.5 month line, but for the first few weeks we need assistance jumping between positions. (Extraction, post process, formulation/filling carts, etc…)

We are hiring post processing and packaging employees as well, so this is only temporary.

We manage lots of facilities across CA and I have employed numerous future4200 members and found them good homes.

We are not penny pinchers, but we need to work as a team to get the facility producing products so we can issue bonuses/raises comfortably.

Hit me up at for inquiries.

Again we are hiring immediately for work starting next week.

I will teach you anything you do not know, so you feel comfortable in the job positions.