I've been reading alot about BHO on here, please critique my what I think I learned!

I use a salt slurry on collection and it can pull vac.

I’ll say it again, chilling the collection is unnecessary. Especially if you’re pushing with N2.

You can recover while you inject. Save time and money.


so then youre purging the nitrogen out the recovery? I kinda like it not getting in in the first place. my whole system runs 18 lbs butane from beginning to end into a 20 lb tank. I get collection cold and purge most all the nitrogen off that before putting it in hot water and moving it all back to recovery.

Waste of time. Recover the N2, then stop recovery and remove it from the cold tank. Then you can resume recovery.

This way you can start with a heated collection and recover while you inject. This will shorten your run time significantly, and save you the effort of having to chill and then warm the collection.

If you don’t want to recover while you’re injecting, you can leave the collection ambient temp. It will begin to pull a vac on itself from the cold solvent that’s coming in.


i finally see what hot loop is. so by using the n2 you dont even need super cold collection mine is usually ice and salt and around 17 degrees. I always end up with a bit of tane in my non jacketed tubes. Is that just expected or do you recover almost all the tane? When i recover the rest is valved off.

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Correct, you never need a cold collection.

That is to be expected. You’ll always lose a bit to the material. It takes more time and effort than it’s worth to try and recover it all IMO.


somaybe if the collection is 17 and the recovery is on dry ice slurry i can inject and recover at the same time?or how warm is the collection to be boiling off butane?

its tough for me to wrap my brain around the n2 doing all the work of moving the cold tane. Ive been doing it with n2 but still chilling my collection and then recovering.

85 degrees. You’re recovering like you normally would.

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obv its not all valved off and you got a chiller coilout the collection drawing that n2 laden vapor into the cold tank that you then periodically purge to keep the n2 pressure down? I think i learned something today!

The recovery tank is cold enough to pull a vac. All the pressure from the collection is going to the recovery tank. Even if you’re not recovering, the pressure from the N2 is greater than the pressure the solvent is creating in the collection.

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but pressure isnt good for condensing. I think i got it though. purge the n2 at the very end and periodically just so the recovery isnt all pressured with n2?

The thing to remember is just that you really have to be recovering while injecting in order to have a hot collection or the back pressure will stall you out at most operating pressures and temperatures.

N2 won’t clear all the solvent from your columns either, but can get a decent amount and you can use heat to get the rest, but generally you’ll recover the last bit of solvent from the column from the top as a vapor to avoid the low grade extract it would be pulling from the bottom.


Not sure where you’re getting periodically from. Once it’s removed, it’s gone.

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I purge my shit out back but i can see its got alot of tane spilling out the tube for a long time. its kinda like running a tube open blasting… Not liquid but it looks like a mirage when the gas is running out.

Also you are probably mistaking the hot loop thing. Hot loop actually refers to using hot solvent vapor for positive pressure and leaving out the nitrogen altogether. A method I’ve been having quite a bit of fun with lately actually.

If you heat your column after you’ve pushed out the majority of the liquid solvent with nitrogen(or pressure/evaporation) you can then recover the remainder of your solvent as a vapor, making the system much more akin to a true closed loop.


but for example. I inject n2 and i dunno how much it is. is it your opinoin that by the time the n2 hits the collection it has basically pushed all the butane through? I seem to see alot of liquid flowing and my collection is seeing pressure even at 17 degrees with pure tane which means n2 is pressuring it right? I cant just run more and more n2 into a loop that goes to my recovery or can I? Im trying to learn- Long Term Cognitive Impairment with Cannabis Use - #6 by thumper

Yes, and what’s left behind is an acceptable loss IMO. Not worth trying to recover it, but if you have the time then by all means.

I’m afraid you’ve lost me here

Well the first answer answered the 2nd question. Ive only run into a closed collection so the n2 pressure built there, Ill just move that down the line into a dry ice chilled recovery tank.


how much lbs is a standard loss of gas per a full tank of n butane on 4lbs material? including some in a molesieve and some in a crc. non jacketed