It's Willbillytek. Duh

Have you ever seen the impurities for BHO, distillate, etc identified? I have. Those are real impurities. Basically the same type of chemicals you see in body lotion or vegetable oils. Those are really impurities and you’re looking at 5-10+% of them collectively, often times much more. Cannabis produces tons of chemicals that are straight up dangerous to inhale but in flower it’s in negligible quantities. When you get into extraction of plant material, you can concentrate several things in the cannabis plant that can actually be very bad. I could gladly cite dozens of chemicals in cannabis that are either toxic or directly correlated to severe lung illness. Very little is exclusive to cannabis so we have plenty of data from other plant sources. So I do agree with the notion that “just because it’s cannabis derived doesn’t mean it’s safe” and I’ve gone into more detail over this before in previous posts. There are plenty of impurities that are dangerous to consume in even fairly low amounts— my point has been that this is not going to be one of those things.

The reason I said this is arguably not an “impurity” is the same reason we don’t consider limonene or THCV or CBC an impurity in concentrates— it’s beneficial and lends to the effects we’re after. You don’t see people causing a fuss over 0.1% CBC in their isolate calling it an impurity even though yes, technically, it would be. So I will continue to use quotations because this is within that same realm and that’s all I can say at this time. I don’t know if the WillBilly has even formally identified the blue compound it is he’s looking at. When the information does come out I think people will be very salty to find out they can’t hate on this compound for any justifiable reason at all. The argument that “it’s not THCa therefore it’s an impurity” is a bit of a moot point because look at just about any other concentrate on the shelf. I don’t think people realize what those impurities actually are. Even still, this will outperform any of them on that front.

I have no skin in the game here so I’ve only joined the conversation to say if it’s truly cannabis derived and it’s blue that it is not something people should be trying to demonize without going as far as to understanding what it is. How they got it there is a different story and speaks nothing to chemicals used to obtain this end result. I think that if people really insist on knowing then they can obtain a sample and get some tests run on it. Or do the research to find out what types of chemicals in cannabis can be blue (and why) and use process of elimination. I can’t say anything definitively I just am familiar with the very few things that could be producing this color (assuming it is cannabis derived).

I don’t agree with the amount of negativity being thrown at the very few making valuable strides in this industry. I’ve noticed that in several threads where someone posts something clearly impressive that it gets flooded with jealous remarks trying desperately to spin it into a bad thing because they know they can’t do the same (see the Blue Grass D8 thread for reference). I’m not saying that this is what you are doing ExTek but there’s definitely a lot of pushback anytime someone does something new. Anyone arguing “but it’s an impurity” tells me they don’t know the chemical composition of impurities in the same extracts they have been handling for years. If they did know what’s really leftover in shatter, distillate, or even worse, wax then they would know that blue or no blue, this concentrate is a step in the right direction.


Forty-eight subjects exposed to terpenes (mean air concentration 258 mg m−3) and 47 unexposed subjects, all employed at sawmills,

im gonna cut this and make our own little topic on impurities and health concerns…


I genuinely hope you are correct.

I mentioned this earlier.

I just want some sort of data. As opposed to, “Yeah dawg the blue is safe, trust me.”


seems like my fight with another molecule people sell in the cannabis space…idk? :joy: :rofl: :joy: :roll_eyes:


100% Agreed but its a struggle with new products when your trying to be transparent that its safe for consumption while trying to protect the IP that makes it special and that’s why we’ve decided to contract with one of the strictest nost reputable analytics labs in Michigan instead of releasing our in house testing results


Who is selling TLC plates? I don’t know what that’s referring to.


I wish I trusted any cannabis testing lab…


:joy: search tlc plates. You’ll find it


Search results for 'TLC plates' - Future4200 Don’t see anything really. Idk didn’t go through pages and pages.

I think it will be interesting to see the impurity profile. Like I said before, the blue diamonds look cool.

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Had to scroll pretty far to find but it’s there. ^^

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I can appreciate that. I think CRC was a perfect example, people were able to say, “This is tek that is ‘borrowed’ from other industries and has been used for a long time for food products.”

Which gave people peace of mind for the most part until the tek was cracked.

Is there anything like that for this example? Or is this process indeed “novel?”

I’m inclined to think it isn’t based on you saying something along the lines of “just a bit of organic chemistry” but that doesn’t really afford anyone any peace of mind. I’m also a bit surprised that people I’ve talked to that have O chem degrees say stuff to me like “Haha no fucking way I would smoke that.”

So, just to reiterate, I don’t think your product is “unsafe” per se, I want to believe you’re just on point, changing the game. It’s just really hard when the one guy that seems to have figured it out said he wouldn’t feel safe smoking it every day, and everyone else I’ve asked said something along the lines of the quote from the above paragraph.



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Everyone should just be patient. Some company will pay out the ass for this tek and teach it to some hourly employees that will quit or get fired and then we will all be making rainbow diamonds soon enough.

I remember people trying to sell crc for a million and now you can take a class for a few hundred or learn here for free.

I remember distillate and diamonds and rosin and everything else new going through the same arc and now it’s all common knowledge.

This will just be just one more on that list until the next thing comes around.

Congrats to @TheWillBilly for being the originator and leveling us all up eventually whether he wants to or not :kissing_heart:


Rocksteady definitely didn’t figure it out :wink:


I find that a bit hard to believe considering what he was able to produce, and the fact that you told him a bit about it. However, as I originally mentioned, suspended judgement.

@RockSteady what do you think?

Any chance you would post a melt shot of what you made to compare the two?


I have a farmhand that works with us in Bakersfield. He said he used to be a guinea pig for the cartels and would try anything lmao






lol wana bet? ill post a melt video when i get home. another member here has come forward saying hes isolated the compound responsible as well. Theres only so many ways to skin the cat; even less ways when you say its “cannabis derrived” we are all still waiting for COAs too btw.