It's Willbillytek. Duh

Doesn’t mean it will be blue

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It will be if the terpene used is and gets trapped in the lattice

Which is why I ordered synthetic guaiazuelene to play with

Also gives me a standard to use to detect it

It’s not just being trapped in the lattice, that’s half the battle




Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to the dark side, it does :wink:

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Ok, but how do you get green, pink, and purple?


Purple and pink are a totally different process IMO

Green can be derived from blue, im willing to bet those emeralds they posted earlier just have less of the blue colored terpene in the lattice

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That one’s paprika


Obviously ill informed and just mad at life but I’ll still educate your dumbass, Co-crystallization is one of the most important aspects of pharmaceutical compounding because it allows for you to bind molecules with synergistic effects together making more bioavailable and stronger medicines :man_facepalming:

They literally sell faster than I can make them :rofl:

Shit We still have pre orders were filling


I wanted to thank you @TheWillBilly your blue diamond tek and large chunk diamonds pan method has got everyone really thinking this year. Didn’t blow up on quiet as big as I’d hope but still awesome to keep us a thinker going. Every year we tend to get a new one

What will 2022 new Tek be…growing loosies in ur hands instead a jar!..but to be real it be awesome to figure out how to grow diamonds w tons of facets on them I think that be cool like a jewelers cut


2022 tek is growing in a 20 liter roto


Next up the impossible THC diamonds

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Sounds interesting, how would one accomplish this task?

And what if i cocrystalized piperine in demethoxycurcumin/curcumine or thca or cbda for oral administration. This i learn from ayurveda and not from pharma.
And cocrystalized some phenolics colored compounds with antioxidation propeties :slightly_smiling_face:.

Is not extrictly neccesary co crystalized for a sinergic and biodisponibility funciton in some case, and this is the case…not needed for a dab more than making flexions , but is “pintoresco”


Thats a major assumption, Unless you actualaly know what has been co-crystallizing and the effects associated, saying it has no benefits is nothing less than being extremely shortsighted

Cocrystallization of drug substances offers a great opportunity for the development of new drug products with superior physicochemical such as melting point, tabletability, solubility, stability, bioavailability and permeability, while preserving the pharmacological properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredient.


have you ever looked any of this:
doi:10.1039/c3cp51070k “Excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT): from principal photophysics to the development of new chromophores and applications in fluorescent molecular probes and luminescent materials”
I think this may be applicable to the salicylate moiety…

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Maybe i cant make me understand well my english is a litlle confused sometimes and in a 1st january more hahah . i think that cocrystalization is very powerful too, i dont says the oposite. Luckily I don’t have any problem with my eyes
I understand that are you says, but for me, in this particular case (colors diamonds) if will be melted in a DAB for consume i really dont see if have any real beneficit. I read something that you says about the presuure in the tongue a little far-fetched when the extracts for themselves are very strong in itself, the thing that they will hit a nanometer more and faster i do not see the benefit, but pharma they thinks that they have the last words. Pharma was doing really bad things for the people in all the world (this is for another tread) and with this i dont says this is the case, and they do wonderfull things too, they have the duality like all the things. I think that you are doing really interesting things. For me sinergic and biodisponibility is a neccesary thing, but for smoke is not really neccesary for “helping peolpe”.

i really like and enjoy the things that you post in the future for flex(is not bad flexing) :grin:
Peace and happy new year

at 0.03% ?!?

that seems more like “doping” levels than a “co-crystal”.

while I agree that a 1:1 ratio as one would use when co-crystalizing an enzyme and it’s substrate is not necessary, I was under the impression that “co-crystal” implied a stoichiometric relationship between the participants.

(caveat: not a chemist. y’alls jargon may differ).


Also not a chemist. Way I see it is a cocrystal is going to be a consistent pattern in the lattice and an inclusion would be more random where it is trapped. Feel free to correct whoever knows better.


“Cocrystals are homogenous (single-phase) crystalline structures composed by two or more components in a definite stoichiometric ratio bonded together by noncovalent bonds.”