Isomerisation of buds?

Hi !
I am new here, i hope this is the right place to post.

EDIT : This is not satirical, i am sorry if it’s sound like it. I love science but have, unfortunately, basic knowledge and understanding of it.

I’ve been searching about isomerization. Zeolite and Acid seems clear enough, but i was wondering about this method.
Conversion of CBD to THC by heat

It seems really nice so i was wondering :

  • If i grind a high cbd bud (let’s say 20%) and use this method as if it was isolate : Would it work ?
  • If this work, i suppose i can smoke it, as there’s nothing else than the trim. Since there’s more than just CBD ( Like other c-noid) Would it create a “Weed trim” ? I mean like a full spectrum
  • If i lightly spray the grinded flower with a little bit of lemon juice, Would it work, or even just help the process ?

Thank you for reading. I’m sorry if it doesn’t belong here.

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Wow. Okay. Um. Let us say - that it feels like you should probably NOT be trying to do this at all. Please read more stuff. Don’t hurt yourself. <3

This would make quite a mess. 80% not CBD is not even close to CBD isolate. If you are thinking of doing this you should already be capable of making CBD isolate.

The process that you shared looks like it would decarb the buds, nothing more than that. I’ve heated A LOT of CBD… never did the CBD randomly turn into THC. Spent a lot of time turning CBD into THC… it was never as simple as the method you have shared here.

Why would you want to spray the flower with lemon juice? Then you will just have soggy buds… that smell like lemons… with discolored leaves. That would take forever to dry out.

I’m also not sure this is in the right place. It almost feels like a satirical set of questions.

We’re glad you are here. Learn more stuff. Share your adventures with us.


Thanks a lot for your response. It is not satirical at all, i’m sorry if it’s how it sound!

you should probably NOT be trying to do this at all. Please read more stuff. Don’t hurt yourself. <3

Thank, I am reading a lot, that how i found this forum actually haha (I love it.) But i don’t get how it can be dangerous ? At worst, i would burn some buds ?

This would make quite a mess. 80% not CBD is not even close to CBD isolate. If you are thinking of doing this you should already be capable of making CBD isolate.

Yeah, I can buy isolate. But since the CBD molecule is here at 20 %, it’s still something ? Like…The molecule is here (My logic is really rudimantary haha.) I like to vape or smoke my weed, not the biggest fan of edible. That’s why i try to find a method where i can still smoke that sweet leaf.

The process that you shared looks like it would decarb the buds, nothing more than that. I’ve heated A LOT of CBD… never did the CBD randomly turn into THC. Spent a lot of time turning CBD into THC… it was never as simple as the method you have shared here.

Yes, it is my initial thought too. That’s why i wanted to had a bid of lemon juice. Not soak is obviously.
This method look too good to be true, i know. I wonder why it’s on PsychonautWiki then…?

I don’t think this is a stupid question at all. I’ve often wondered if there’s some possible method of dry or wet cure that could make a natural d8 bud – this is a question along similar lines. Maybe it is possible. It would certainly be an interesting and unique product.

I made a thread about “different methods of curing” than just the conventional way and there’s a LOT of unexplored territory there, from wet cures to fermenting, etc… maybe with the right catalyst and curing parameters one could make a transformed bud. From a scientific perspective I think it’s an interesting question.


Yeah, I want to try it just “for science” haha. I will take a look at your post because it is actually fascinating. Thanks for your reply.

Hmm ok wet buds in tight gas chamber
Hcl gas injection maybe with some
Gaseous dexso at 40C might do the trick
But to then get the thcchloride that might form out hmm let me think


Curing in gaseous BF3.. :skull_and_crossbones:
I believe the surrounding organic matter won’t like corrosive attacks like this.


Co2 is a Lewis acid but the water present will avoid it

Damn this is another project on the list
Great idea for shits and giggles


I think, amongst reactions, that it will react with plant moisture and form some fluoroboric acid salts all over…adding nice hemp thca crystal effect :gem: :bomb: :boom:


Are they pyroforic? The self lichting blunt :sunglasses:


They get all the fun projects…


Because people are fucking idiots…

Yeah, except you’re trying to get it to a new thing, using the blunt instruments of acid and heat.

While that works decently well with exactly the right conditions and only ONE molecular structure as the starting point, there are still a number of non-target changes one can achieve….not all of which have been proven benign (or even investigated).

You’re suggesting starting with THOUSANDS of different structures and asking that NONE of the induced changes are bad for you.

Not a bet I’d make.


Ive thought about this before, probably not a good idea to do it but for the sake of discussion I’ll provide some inputs.

As @Roguelab mentioned hydrogen chloride in a glass/PTFE chamber might be able to spur some isomerization but your going to have a metric fuckload of side reactions which would make god knows what making it both potentially dangerous and unviable. Plus working with hydrogen chloride is a no go for anyone who has to ask about viability of isomerization to begin with imo. Trust your lungs and skin will thank me, hydrogen chloride is some nasty stuff.

I’m just spitballing here, the following is just an idea and I have not tested it, but for the sake of discussion I’ll throw this into the ring in hopes of some adventurous soul with more time than me can potentially test.

There’s a really cool phenomenon that hasn’t been tapped into yet in cannabis as far as I know; Photoisomerization, is a great technique that maybe has potential here, essentially your using various wavelengths and intensities of light to induce the structural changes within a molecule; the question is will there be enough energy to facilitate the full ring closure to fully isomerize the cbd to d8/d9. Penetration will be a major issue with this as only the outer surface areas will be acted upon by the photons.

I’ve Been going down the photochemistry rabbit hole quite a bit in non cannabis stuff lately, it’s pretty cool and there are tons of potential applications in cannabis for it!

Anyways here’s some food for thought and some rabbit holes to explore.

Also don’t convert biomass😂


Yeah, I see what you mean. thank you for clarifying.

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it’s was very informative. thank you !

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One should better start by investigating isomerization of pure CBD, which is, initially, colorless and odorless.

Starting from this pure 99% CBD powder (which generally contains as well some 0.1-0.5% of CBDV and CBDB), one ends up with a resin which contains high D9/D8 (generally not more than ~93% together), also some notable iso -THCs (minimum2%), a few CBN, a few exo-THC, along with at least 10 to 60 other detectable unknown byproducts in smaller quantities. In addition, a few terpenes smelling like burnt plastic/napthalene (actually smelling better when concentrated) have appeared. In addition to this, the crude product has developped some yellow/orange/red to dark brown color, and some non detectable high boiling dark residue is eventually left in the distillation flask (likely tars). These last aspects (terps and tars) account for some side breakdown of larger cannabinoïds…

Now add the organic matter, all the terps and aroma, sugars, waxes, etc… to the starting material plus leftovers from catalyst/reactants at the end . This project sounds messy. :grimacing:


This is what I was trying to say. You said it way better. <3


It sure will be but fun at the same time gas the greenhouse :joy:


What about a water/ethanol acid dip? Like how people will try to remediate PM with a H2O2 dip? Hang em out to dry