Isomerisation of buds?

“Whatcha making?”


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Thank you so much, it a bit clearer now. So, If I use just heat with isolate and not buds, would it work ?

Lmao, thank you all for your replies. You’re teaching me a lot of things. Love reading your responses (Even if I don’t understand them all lmao. But I’m learning! Yay ! )

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Anything to do with conversion could be an ai bot casting nets.


And the “fucking idiots” are on the playing field=

Take your favorite plasmid isolate, spill it out on a stainless plate, then pour an portion of an overnight culture of favorite e.coli on top. Hit the entire mess with a 8 pound sledge hammer, screen for transforms. Sit back, have a coffee and wonder what really happens when earth is hit by an asteroid.

OK, coffee is good, now I can get on with the day.


Probably not. There are many ways to do what you are asking for from isolate. Just putting it in the oven and waiting, is not one I am aware of.

You could try it - might just burn / discolor / destroy - your stuff. Let us know how it turns out if you have stuff to spare.


Noted thank you a lot. I’ll maybe try the zeolite method. Look a lot more realistic.

lmao, ok I’ll try this. (jk of course)

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You laugh, but we sterilized the inside of our shrimp green house using formalin + potassium permangenate.

Vibrio spores are some tough little fuckers.

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Just so you know : I did not try. But I got zeolite ! But I see that this Tek is not really popular here lmao ( Even tho I heard about it here haha )

Does anyone here know what could cause buds to produce extract with some d8 instead of d9, or d10 instead of d10?

Heat and acidic conditions. :slight_smile: