Isolate liquidation

I’ll likely take a kilo if given a COA… if the bankers saw the inflated projections, quit their jobs, and are taking over the lab to become gazillionaires I’ll take a kilo for $50 in 9 months when they fail.


Just heard back from the banker. We now have a call scheduled for tomorrow. Will be in touch. Still no COA.

There trying to figure out what a coa is and how to make a good one


I wonder what they’d think of this thread


What price for a kilo shipped to Ohio?

So I finally received a spreadsheet version of the COAs. “I know, not good”. And what jumped out at me was that a good chunk of it tested for lead. So I passed on it. Sorry to get everyone’s hopes up.

Yikes… any odds you’re a lead remediation expert?

Not I

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Someone could say this is what “lead” to their demise…


BAAA! good one!

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And that was the day thesk8nmidget was banned from f2k

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I’d give the lead remediation a shot.
Would you ask the bankers if they can ship a 100-200 gram sample ?