Looking for unit to units of d8 slab snap and pull is most wanted lmk
Ben Ben Ben. This is a horrible business idea……
This is how you get sold pine resin……. You look for d8 slabs. People say to themselves. “This dude is looking to rip off people with d8 distillate slabs, maybe we should rip him off instead.”
It’s pretty easy to tell D8 slabs from real slabs. The D8 are very soft and have this weird glossy look to it
Bro. It’s not that easy for these kids!!! They are getting sold pine resin!! You think they can tell the difference between d8 and d9??
True not everyone has seen enough slabs to be able to tell the difference. One thing I do notice is they can’t make it have the cheese hole look
If I don’t know you, I’m not buying slabs from you! Feel me? Too many sketchy peeps out there! I’m looking to get it from someone that’s going to smoke it with me when I get that shit!
I wonder how much of a d8 slab you have to
Dab to lose a lung?
There has to be an amount in which you smoke and you then have lung failure…… what do you guys think…….
One way to find out…
3 dabs is all it takes to make you seriously question your choices in life.
Mainly the one to smoke any D8…
Survey says: No Mas…
I think I’d rather smoke flakka and bath salts till my eyes bleed
I bet I could lol
More like d8 slabs to sell to d8 customers who want d8 products. Give the people what they want and paid d8 products
So I don’t wanna say it but it’s easy to do that as well. Just have to pour it right & allow the slab to percolate properly. Oven should be level as always of course. But it’s totally doable to make the cheese hole look. Not necessarily to the extent of muffin bursting but more so it you’re good at pouring or take the time to use a farmer 50 shot & draw that bitch out
Dissolve your pure D8 in butane
Use ptfe foil
so your customers like shitty tasting dabs?? or do they like weak smoke?? i dont understand why you would want to dab d8 over real d9 shatter that actually has a taste…
interesting reply though…
There are more people out there that are willing to smoke trash than you think.
It’s called what can I sell at a smoke shop not on the streets
Brosif the market is hot after d8 dabs. It’s not that hard of a concept to grasp,
little Joey has 60 bucks in his account. Little Joey loves to get ripped and flex for the gram so he buys himself 2g of “d8 dabs” for 40 bucks at the corner smoke shop instead of 50 for gram of bunk wax.
I just find it hard to believe you can’t stop shitting on D8, so you would still have a problem with a company selling 20 dollar grams of D8 distillate with real hemp terpenes added to it? Where is your advocacy for those who can’t afford 80 dollar wax at the dispensary or 60 off the sketchy plug?
So does the shit talking stop once it’s been proven clean or will it stop when everyone in the country can get cheap top of the line shatter made by who???
As long as your honest about it. Thats all Jesus asks.