ISO clean mother liquor. If you have some with high d9 please message me.
This will be used in cbd/d9 hemp eatables for a client.
ISO clean mother liquor. If you have some with high d9 please message me.
This will be used in cbd/d9 hemp eatables for a client.
happy to help
Let the compliant D9 edibles begin, should be an interested year in hemp!
What is mother liquor
When you crystallize full spectrum into isolate you get “mother liquor” as your waste stream. Pretty much 30-50% CBD, 10-20% Minors and 10-20% Delta 9 THC (been awhile since I tested ML forgive me if I am a bit off.)
Now it has a use because of the compliant delta 9 thc craze, this will be the next major market in hemp if it survives.
Do you have any COAs of mother liquor batches on hand? Definitely interested. Please shoot me a DM with any COAs available
Been here over a year lol!
At .3 thc you can put 300mg into a 100g cookie
This is more than a rec state allows you to sell and completely federally legal
Not at scale, just wait until they are in every smokeshop in America and gas station like delta 8 is.
Oh I know
I feel like a d8 legacy at this point thanks to this site lol
Naw bro, farm Bill bro…
i have about 300l. it ranges from 50-60% cbd and high3%-9% d9. i have a recent coa.
Its funny, back when first farm act came out, i had the same thought with some heavy fudge edibles, compliant wit only 0.3%D9 THC
bumping this, I’m also interested.
I got line 80 liters of mother liquor that’s about to go to the dump lol
Any test results on it?
Also interested in coa
I willl have coa thursday or Friday
Are you able to clean it up to get rid of the nasty ass taste from the ML?
Your nasty taste is another mans fire “tastes like the real thing bro”